Everything you need to know about SEO and related topics

SEO blog

Are you just getting started or looking for more advanced ways to boost your SEO? Find all the latest news, insights and tips & tricks right here, from SEO basics to deep dives and ultimate guides.

Latest posts on our SEO blog

December 2021

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featured image 2021 recap post

Looking back at Yoast in 2021

Picking an ecommerce platform: WooCommerce or Shopify?

Yoast SEO 17.8: fixes and enhancements

Duplicate Content issues for websites

Duplicate content: Causes and solutions

How to rank YouTube videos in Google search

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ratings and reviews

Customer reviews increase users’ trust

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featured image adding links to new posts blog

Why you should add links to a new post as soon as possible

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featured image SEO maintenance

Your website needs SEO maintenance!

Good alt text or alt tags improve accessibility of your site

Image SEO: How to optimize your alt text and title text

November 2021

Yoast SEO 17.7: Introducing a free configuration workout

featured image Yoast SEO news webinar

SEO news November 2021: A core update, new Google Maps features, and the future of SEO

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SEO vs Pay Per Click advertising: Which one to choose?

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moving your website to HTTPS

SEO certification: How can you get it and why should you?

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What queries are you ranking for, and with which pages?

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Got an old website? Update it and refresh your SEO

Yoast SEO 17.6: Fixes, and new XML sitemaps in News SEO

Best practices for SEO-friendly URLs

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content maintenance clean up website

Content maintenance strategy: 6 tips for a cleaner website

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What is the Google Site Kit plugin?

Local search (Possum)

How ‘near me’ searches can help your local SEO

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Photo of Thijs de Valk

Yoast has a new CEO: Thijs de Valk

Accessibility matters

Writing accessible content: 4 checks you can do with Yoast SEO and the block editor

Ecommerce checklist: 30 tips for a better online shop

Yoast SEO 17.5: Full Greek language understanding

October 2021

Word forms

How to promote your products and earn money on Pinterest

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Featured image what is EAT?

The T in E-E-A-T: What is Trustworthiness? How can you achieve it?

SEO news October 2021: Multi-modal search, WordPress performance

how to create a 301 redirect

How to create a 301 redirect in WordPress

Yoast SEO 17.4: Performance, web stories and News SEO

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10 copywriting tips – from experts to experts

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Featured image what is EAT?

The A in E-A-T: What is authoritativeness?

Yoast SEO Premium comes with Spanish customer support

What does Yoast SEO do?

What is indexing in regards to Google?

Featured image what is EAT?

The E in E-A-T: What is expertise? And how to show it?

Yoast SEO 17.3: Easier and more practical SEO workouts

featured image video SEO

What makes a great YouTube channel?

September 2021

featured image Yoast SEO news webinar

SEO news September 2021: Page experience, internal links and much more

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featured image with an illustration of a women between lots of pages

Why you should stop using tags

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Why focus on long-tail keywords?

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featured image copywriting

Does readability rank? On ease of reading and SEO

Yoast SEO 17.2: Readability helps your audience understand

featured image blog post youtube keyword research

How to do keyword research for YouTube

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Meet our 2021 Yoast Diversity fund recipients!

How to update your content in 10 steps (and make it better)

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What is a keyword?

Write great product descriptions with WooCommerce SEO

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How to learn SEO: A guide for all backgrounds

WooCommerce SEO 14.4: a product-specific SEO analysis

Yoast SEO 17.1: an update on page titles

Accessibility matters

How to improve the accessibility of your website

Featured image SEO news webinar

SEO news in August 2021: Google’s new title tag update, a new button on Twitter and more

August 2021

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Online audience research: how to analyze your audience

How to add your website to Google Search Console

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OPen source design conventions

The importance of original content for SEO

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what is multilingual SEO

What is international SEO?

Yoast SEO 17.0: SEO in your mother-tongue

YouTube ranking: How to use analytics to optimize your video

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Yoast Summer School 2021: A recap of the best bits

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local seo

Local SEO content strategy: 5 tips to succeed online

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Exciting news: Yoast joins Newfold Digital

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What is orphaned content?

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The self-growth opportunities of WordPress

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yoast seo 16.9 is out now

Yoast SEO 16.9: An SEO workout to clean up your content

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SEO for a new website: the very first things to do

featured image video SEO

How to add captions to your videos

July 2021

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SEO for sports, fitness and gyms: 5 tips to get you ranking

featured image guide on ecommerce usability

Ecommerce usability: the ultimate guide

Yoast SEO 16.8: Supporting new languages with Slovak and Norwegian

Illustration of someone in a Yoast uniform looking at a machine with the WordPress logo on it

WordPress 5.8: Paving the way to Full Site Editing

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Featured image Ecommerce SEO training course

Out now: Ecommerce SEO training course!

featured image WordPress

Learn how to use WordPress without touching any code

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bounce rate in google analytics

Understanding bounce rate in Google Analytics

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Featured image Ecommerce SEO training course

Coming soon: A training course on ecommerce SEO!

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featured image internal search

Optimizing internal search in WordPress

What is a headless CMS and what does it mean for SEO?

Yoast SEO 16.7: Extended headless support

How to optimize your WordPress video gallery for SEO

Need help with WordPress? 10 tips to avoid common mistakes

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10 tips to streamline your blog content workflow

Featured image SEO news

SEO news in June 2021: Google updates, WordPress 5.8 beta, and loads more

June 2021

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Do the SEO workout to rank higher with your best content

Yoast SEO 16.6: An internal linking workout for SEO fitness


How to build Google Web Stories in WordPress

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A long term SEO strategy? Knowing what Google wants is the key

Did Google Search Console send an email with an error message?

featured image social media strategy

10 examples of social media posts to get inspired

Yoast SEO 16.5: New Social Appearance Templates

How to timestamp YouTube videos and create Key Moments

Handling site maintenance with a http 503

HTTP 503: Handling site maintenance correctly for SEO

How to check the performance of rich results in Google Search Console

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10 reasons your page won’t rank – even though it’s optimized

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avoid these keyword research mistakes

Keyword mistakes: 8 pitfalls you can easily avoid

Yoast SEO 16.4 featured image

Yoast SEO 16.4: Full readability and word forms for Czech

May 2021

Featured image SEO news webinar

SEO news in May 2021: Google introduces a new language model

Featured image what is EAT?

What is E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness)?

Featured image on page video SEO

On-page video SEO: how to optimize your video pages

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small business SEO

How to find your niche in 4 easy steps


Google’s MUM understands what you need

contact page mistakes

Contact page mistakes: Five annoying errors to avoid

Rich snippets - structured data

Rich results are rocking the SERPs

Yoast SEO 16.3: Schema structured data improvements

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readability analysis fifth anniversary featured image

The readability checks in Yoast SEO: a closer look with our linguists

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4 creative writing exercises to improve your writing

readability analysis fifth anniversary featured image

5 years of writing readable content with Yoast SEO

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What is keyword research?

What is keyword research?

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Yoast diversity fund

Got a great WordPress project? Apply for our Diversity fund

April 2021

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site structure mistakes

6 site structure mistakes and how to avoid them!

technical SEO fitness featured image

Technical SEO fitness: take our quiz to assess your fitness

Yoast SEO 16.2: Getting your technical SEO in shape

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product page SEO and UX - beware of the panda and penguin

What can Google’s “product reviews update” teach us about “high-quality content”?

Video SEO featured image

YouTube vs your own site: Which is better for video SEO?

SEO news featured image

SEO news in April 2021: More time for your Core Web Vitals

Keyword density can still be a useful metric

social media

How to create eye-catching social images for your content

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Beginners guide: Yoast SEO

SEO tutorial for beginners: How to start with SEO?

Video SEO featured image

Which is the best video hosting platform for SEO?

WordPress storytelling featured image

How to create a digital story in WordPress

start your website from an SEO perspective: technical pointers

Everyday website optimization: 6 tasks for your daily SEO routine

Optimizing your news site

News SEO: How to optimize your news site

Yoast SEO 16.1 & News SEO 12.7: enhancements and fixes

SEO news featured image

SEO news in March 2021: A rise in Google’s zero-click searches

March 2021

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Google’s algorithm is smart and dumb at the same time

online customers - brand ambassadors

Rich results for products with Schema.org structured data

mobile parity

Mobile parity: does your site offer a singular experience?

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search term

What does Google do?

great contact pages

Contact page examples: What makes a great contact page?

Yoast Local SEO 13.9: Primary location & shared properties

Social media youtube analytics engagement reports

How does video SEO work?

spider traps

Preventing your site from being indexed, the right way

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ranking high in Google

Google’s knowledge panel: What is it and how to get one?

Yoast SEO 1.0 to 16.0 featured image

Yoast SEO 1.0 to 16.0: An interview with Joost de Valk

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16 reasons to love Yoast SEO

16 sweet reasons to love Yoast SEO!

Yoast SEO 16.0: Sweet sixteen!

Learn about the three Core Web Vitals: LCP, FID & CLS

SEO basics: what is HTTPS?

What is HTTPS?

Featured image WordPress update

WordPress 5.7: What’s new in this release?

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measure the success of your content seo strategy

How to measure the success of your content SEO strategy?

Ask Yoast: eCommerce filters

Easier online shopping with ecommerce filters for products

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illustration of blog images

Blog post images: Why use them and where to get them

Featured image Yoast SEO patch for WordPress 5.7

Yoast SEO 15.9.1: WordPress 5.7 & FAQ schema patches

February 2021

SEO news featured image

The latest news in SEO and WordPress: February 2021

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blog or vlog

Blog or vlog, which one is better?

Yoast SEO 15.9: Performance improvements

Ask Yoast case study: renting holiday home

Video SEO: How to rank your videos in Google

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meta robots tag

The ultimate guide to the meta robots tag

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featured image SEO fitness website

Improving the content SEO fitness of your website

Yoast SEO 15.8: A free block for your breadcrumbs

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Top WordPress plugin recommendations

ask yoast - podcast SEO

How to perfect the category page of your online store

January 2021

SEO news featured image

The latest news in SEO and WordPress: January 2021

Yoast SEO 15.7: Helping you write better content

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illustration of woman working on seo campaign

How to plan an SEO campaign for higher rankings

homepage optimization

How to optimize your homepage

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A primer on JavaScript SEO for WordPress

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timeless SEO tips

Timeless SEO tips: 6 universal SEO tactics that never go out of fashion

How to rewrite and republish content with Yoast Duplicate Post

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ratings and reviews

How to respond to positive and negative online reviews

Yoast SEO 15.6: Estimated reading time and Norwegian word forms

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think about the mission of your website

How to write a mission statement for your site

SEO basics: Anchor text

What is anchor text and how to improve your link text?

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website maintainan

Clean up your site structure: how to reorganize your website