InMotion Hosting was founded in 2001 and has remained company owned and operated since then. Currently employs nearly 400 people across 3 offices/call centers and 2 data centers in the US. They strive to provide industry-leading solutions as well as world-class 24/7/365 in-house technical support. InMotion Hosting offers everything from business class shared hosting to our proprietary WordPress hosting stack, all the way to Commercial Class Dedicated Servers.

Visit InMotion Hosting


  • Autoupdates: No
  • Caching
  • CDN: No
  • Free SSL
  • Regular backups
  • SSH: No
  • Staging environment
  • WP-CLI: No

PHP Versions

  • 7.0
  • 7.1
  • 7.2
  • 7.3
  • 7.4 (Default)
  • 8.0
  • 8.1
Latest curl version

Admin interfaces

  • cPanel
  • Custom interface

Support language

  • English

Support channels

  • Chat
  • Email
  • Phone

Server location

  • United States

Giving back

Gives back to the community

InMotion sponsors various WordCamp and other WordPress Related Sponsorship's, Core Contribution, Plugin Development, Advisory Board Memberships, and more.