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Related sites sharing pages: what to consider?

28 December 2018 Davey Smeekens

Many of our readers manage multiple sites, in all kinds of different configurations and setups. It’s certainly viable, for example, to manage two or several sites to support the same business. In that case, you might save some time linking between the pages of these sites. Your sites could share the shop pages, and posts »

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Splitting your product pages by departure date

2 November 2018 Davey Smeekens

Running an eCommerce website isn’t always easy. You have to know a little bit about everything: digital marketing, technical SEO, copywriting, and so on… What’s more, you probably offer many products that are similar, so you have to make sure you avoid those dreaded duplicate content issues, and give extra thought to your keyword strategy. »

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Site migration and rankings

19 October 2018 | 4 Comments Klara Cvitko

Site migrations are probably not on most people’s fun list. Alas, sometimes they’re necessary to ensure the continued health of a website. Once you’ve decided you need to do a migration, it’s important to make sure you know what you’re doing and make a plan for how to approach things beforehand. Whether you’re moving from »

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