Ask Yoast:

Importance of keyword strategy

Optimizing your site or page for words that people don’t use doesn’t make any sense. That’s why you have to do proper keyword research. You’ll have to get inside the heads of your audience and find out what words they use while searching. There should always be a keyword strategy behind the keywords you pick. Keyword strategy and keyword research are the most important elements of your SEO strategy.

Jill Nadeau asked us the following question:

“Is keyword strategy still a thing?”

Check out the video or read the answer below!

Is keyword strategy still a thing?

“If keyword strategy is still a thing, is kind of an open-ended question. Yes, keyword strategy is still a thing. Actually keyword research and keyword strategy are still the most important parts of SEO. If you don’t get that right, if you don’t get right what you’re optimizing for, then you really shouldn’t look at anything else, because why are you even optimizing?

You’re probably asking, because Google says they think more about topics and all these things. That doesn’t mean that people don’t still search for keywords.

So, even though you have to think about broader topics and keyword research has become slightly harder – because you have to think about a topic better – you really, really, really need to do your keyword research well and keep doing it as you keep on optimizing your site. Because otherwise, you will be optimizing for nothing, which is a shame.

Good luck!”

Read more: How to choose the perfect focus keyword »

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