Ask Yoast:

Creating landing pages for affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is a means to monetize your blog or website. You can recommend products on your site with a trackable link from your affiliate partner, or put that link in an ad. If someone clicks on the link and buys a product through your site, you’ll get a commission.

Especially if your site has many visitors and high credibility, you’ll have a good chance that your audience is willing to follow your recommendations. Still, it’s definitely a good idea to give some thought to how you implement affiliate marketing on your site. For instance, do you write blog posts to promote affiliate products, or create separate pages? And if you choose the latter option, what’s the best way to do that? Let’s discuss in today’s Ask Yoast!

Davide Roccato emailed his question on the subject:

I want to create a number of landing pages on my news blog, targeted for affiliate marketing. What’s the best way to do this from an SEO point of view? Should I create them as pages or should I create a new custom segment so these are parallel to my blog post and pages?

Watch the video or read the transcript for the answer!

The best way to create landing pages for affiliate marketing

“Honestly, from an SEO point of view, it doesn’t really matter. What works best for you in the backend it’s probably what works best. The only advantage that a custom post would give you is that you’d have a separate section in Yoast SEO to set the titles, a separate XML sitemap so you can see their indexing process in Google Search Console a lot better, so you’d get slightly better handling on the SEO side. But I don’t think that it has to be a problem so just choose what works best for you. Good luck.”

Read more: How to cloak your affiliate links »

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