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How to make a WordPress website

20 February 2020 | 7 Comments Klara Cvitko

Need to switch to online asap and don’t have a website yet? WordPress is your best friend! Whether you want to create your own personal blog, an online store, or a business website – with WordPress, creating your own website is easy as pie. If you know what you’re doing, of course. In this video, »

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How to create a dashboard in Google Data Studio

27 August 2019 | 16 Comments
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Annelieke van den Berg

Working on your SEO takes a lot of time and effort. So, you want to be able to see if those efforts paid off, as well as keep an eye on how your site is doing. A great way to get a quick overview of your site’s overall performance is creating a dashboard in Google »

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Redirecting your site to non-www and HTTPS

22 February 2019 Klara Cvitko

Let’s say you own the website After a while, you decide you don’t want to keep the www. You want your visitors to go to the non-www version of your domain instead. What’s more, you’ve also decided to switch from HTTP to HTTPS, to follow security best practices. These two things combined make for quite a move, »

Read: "Redirecting your site to non-www and HTTPS"

How to get sitelinks

15 February 2019 Davey Smeekens

As a site owner, you want to come across as an authoritative result, as well as stand out in the search results. Even if you’re already ranking #1. Sitelinks can help you with that. What are sitelinks, you ask? Sitelinks appear under the main search result, highlighting subpages of a website in a menu-like structure. »

Read: "How to get sitelinks"
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