Yoast SEO archives

Recent Yoast SEO articles

Yoast SEO 13.0: Behind the scenes improvements

4 February 2020 | 5 Comments Edwin Toonen

Today, we’re releasing Yoast SEO 13.0. This release is one in a series of releases focusing on improving our code and fixing issues — most of them behind the scenes. In addition, we’re also updating our Local SEO plugin to version 12.7 and WooCommerce SEO to 12.5. Let’s go over a couple of changes in …

Read: "Yoast SEO 13.0: Behind the scenes improvements"
Yoast SEO 13.0: Behind the scenes improvements

Yoast SEO 12.9: Google Preview and more fixes

21 January 2020 | 6 Comments Edwin Toonen

Today, we’re releasing Yoast SEO 12.9. In this release, you’ll find a number of bug fixes and enhancements. Among other things, you’ll find a renamed snippet preview with clearer settings. Find out what else is new in Yoast SEO 12.9! Snippet preview is now Google Preview Since the introduction of the snippet preview, we’ve been …

Read: "Yoast SEO 12.9: Google Preview and more fixes"
Yoast SEO 12.9: Google Preview and more fixes

Avoid starting consecutive sentences with the same word

19 January 2020
Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /home/staging-yoast/staging-platform.yoast.com/versions/20f300c0f75c8233e65becb49cb77c8946367afb/web/app/themes/yoast-com/html_includes/partials/post-author.php on line 39
Marieke van de Rakt

The consecutive sentences check in Yoast SEO for WordPress or Yoast SEO for Shopify warns against using the same word to start consecutive sentences. Why is this starting consecutive sentences with the same word a bad idea? How is this related to SEO? And, how should you rewrite those sentences? Are there any exceptions? Let’s see! Have …

Read: "Avoid starting consecutive sentences with the same word"
Avoid starting consecutive sentences with the same word

Keyphrase distribution: What it is and how to balance it

8 January 2020
Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /home/staging-yoast/staging-platform.yoast.com/versions/20f300c0f75c8233e65becb49cb77c8946367afb/web/app/themes/yoast-com/html_includes/partials/post-author.php on line 39
Fleur Heesen

Ever heard of keyphrase distribution? The SEO analysis in the Yoast SEO plugins provides feedback on your keyphrase distribution. But what does this entail? Why does it matter? And how can you balance your keyphrase distribution? That’s what you’ll find out in this post! Do you have an orange or red traffic light for the …

Read: "Keyphrase distribution: What it is and how to balance it"
Keyphrase distribution: What it is and how to balance it

Yoast SEO 12.8: Fixes and enhancements

7 January 2020 | 25 Comments Edwin Toonen

Welcome to another year of helping you achieve your goals with your site! Today, it’s time for the first in a long line of releases planned for 2020: Yoast SEO 12.8. In this release, you’ll find a number of bug fixes and performance enhancements. Let’s get to it! Enhancements A while ago, a developer called …

Read: "Yoast SEO 12.8: Fixes and enhancements"
Yoast SEO 12.8: Fixes and enhancements

Looking back at (almost) a decade of Yoast

30 December 2019 | 13 Comments
Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /home/staging-yoast/staging-platform.yoast.com/versions/20f300c0f75c8233e65becb49cb77c8946367afb/web/app/themes/yoast-com/html_includes/partials/post-author.php on line 39
Marieke van de Rakt

It’s almost 2020 and a brand-new decade is right around the corner! A decade ago, Yoast didn’t even exist yet. A lot has changed in the past 10 years. In this blog post, I would like to look back at (almost) 10 years of Yoast. And, I’ll look at our plans for next year! 2020 …

Read: "Looking back at (almost) a decade of Yoast"
Looking back at (almost) a decade of Yoast

Yoast SEO 12.7: Cleaning up and fixing bugs

10 December 2019 | 16 Comments Edwin Toonen

Yoast SEO 12.7 is out today — signaling the last release of 2019. This release is all about cleaning up and fixing bugs. Since we have a two-week release schedule, we can quickly respond to any bug we might find. In this post, you’ll find out more about this release. Plus, you can get Yoast …

Read: "Yoast SEO 12.7: Cleaning up and fixing bugs"
Yoast SEO 12.7: Cleaning up and fixing bugs

Yoast SEO 12.6: Getting help in the plugin is now easier

26 November 2019 | 8 Comments Edwin Toonen

In Yoast SEO 12.6, we’re activating our new beacon for help documentation. This tool helps answer the questions you might have about using Yoast SEO. It’s easy to use and very friendly. Just hit that big purple question mark and search! Other improvements in Yoast SEO 12.6 includes a number of fixes and enhancements. Read …

Read: "Yoast SEO 12.6: Getting help in the plugin is now easier"
Yoast SEO 12.6: Getting help in the plugin is now easier

Search Console showing errors in your product structured data?

21 November 2019 | 14 Comments Edwin Toonen

Google’s recent run of enhancement reports in Search Console gives you lots of insights into how your site is performing in search. Sometimes, though, it gives you stuff to think about, like errors or improvements to make. For instance, if you run an online store, you’re bound to have come across this structured data error: …

Read: "Search Console showing errors in your product structured data?"
Search Console showing errors in your product structured data?

Yoast SEO 12.5.1: Patch release for time-offset issue

21 November 2019 | 2 Comments
Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /home/staging-yoast/staging-platform.yoast.com/versions/20f300c0f75c8233e65becb49cb77c8946367afb/web/app/themes/yoast-com/html_includes/partials/post-author.php on line 39
Willemien Hallebeek

Today, we’re releasing Yoast SEO 12.5.1. It contains a patch to make sure the publication date of your posts is picked up correctly by Google, so the right time will be shown in the search results. Currently, the time shown in the results might differ from the actual publication time, depending on the time zone …

Read: "Yoast SEO 12.5.1: Patch release for time-offset issue"
Yoast SEO 12.5.1: Patch release for time-offset issue