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Picking an ecommerce platform: WooCommerce or Shopify?

22 December 2021 | 4 Comments Edwin Toonen

Nowadays, building an online store is easier than ever. Picking the right tool to power your new store isn’t. There are many tools out there, but for most people, the choice will be between the two market leaders: Shopify and WooCommerce. Although both ecommerce platforms have a comparable feature set, they have a different philosophy. …

Read: "Picking an ecommerce platform: WooCommerce or Shopify?"
Picking an ecommerce platform: WooCommerce or Shopify?

What is the Google Site Kit plugin?

10 November 2021
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Amy Lees

Site Kit is an official Google plugin designed for WordPress. It brings together a collection of Google tools to manage and optimize your site. It’s easy to use, even if you don’t have a lot of technical knowledge. So if you’ve ever wanted to check things like which of your pages gets the most visitors, …

Read: "What is the Google Site Kit plugin?"
What is the Google Site Kit plugin?

Writing accessible content: 4 checks you can do with Yoast SEO and the block editor

4 November 2021 | 5 Comments Carolina Nymark

Having an accessible website means that more people can use your website and the information that you share. There are a couple of checks you can do yourself before publishing an article to make sure your article can be read and understood by as many people as possible. Did you know Yoast SEO and the …

Read: "Writing accessible content: 4 checks you can do with Yoast SEO and the block editor"
Writing accessible content: 4 checks you can do with Yoast SEO and the block editor

Meet our 2021 Yoast Diversity fund recipients!

17 September 2021 | 4 Comments
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Francesca Marano

Diversity is an important aspect of every community. It fuels discussion, change, and growth. It brings new voices and ideas into the mix. Diversity opens the door to new possibilities, and keeps that door open for everyone, not just a privileged few. That’s why we made the Yoast Diversity fund: to support underrepresented groups that …

Read: "Meet our 2021 Yoast Diversity fund recipients!"
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Meet our 2021 Yoast Diversity fund recipients!

Write great product descriptions with WooCommerce SEO

14 September 2021 | 2 Comments Edwin Toonen

Product descriptions can make or break a potential sale in your online store. Badly written ones decrease trust — making it harder for customers to pull the trigger on the sale. Plus, depending too much on descriptions provided by the producer is a no-go. But how do you write good product descriptions and how do …

Read: "Write great product descriptions with WooCommerce SEO"
Write great product descriptions with WooCommerce SEO

WooCommerce SEO 14.4: a product-specific SEO analysis

7 September 2021 | 4 Comments Edwin Toonen

WooCommerce is one of the most popular platforms to run an online store on. It gives you everything you need to build a successful store — well, almost everything. WooCommerce can use a little help to get the most out of it. One of the tools that can help you maximize its performance is the …

Read: "WooCommerce SEO 14.4: a product-specific SEO analysis"
WooCommerce SEO 14.4: a product-specific SEO analysis

Yoast SEO 17.1: an update on page titles

7 September 2021 | 6 Comments Edwin Toonen

One of our core philosophies is keeping you and your site up to date with the latest changes in Google’s inner workings and policies. These last couple of weeks saw an interesting new development, with Google rewriting many titles in the SERPs. In Yoast SEO 17.1, we are making a couple of small changes that …

Read: "Yoast SEO 17.1: an update on page titles"
Yoast SEO 17.1: an update on page titles

Yoast Summer School 2021: A recap of the best bits

19 August 2021
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Amy Lees

This year we held our first ever Yoast SEO Summer School, a series of 4 interactive online workshops with our in-house experts. We’ve been talking about SEO essentials like making great content, site structure, inbound marketing and rich results, and answering your questions on those topics too. It’s been fantastic seeing over 6,500 of you …

Read: "Yoast Summer School 2021: A recap of the best bits"
Yoast Summer School 2021: A recap of the best bits

Local SEO content strategy: 5 tips to succeed online

17 August 2021 | 4 Comments
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Marieke van de Rakt

If you own a local business, you want to dominate the local search results of your niche. Nowadays, that might be even more important. But how do you write content for your local business that’ll pop up in the search results? On what aspects should you focus? In this post, I’ll give tips you can …

Read: "Local SEO content strategy: 5 tips to succeed online"
Local SEO content strategy: 5 tips to succeed online