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Yoast SEO 7.9.1: Dutch checks complete & improved keyword recognition

7 August 2018 | 12 Comments
Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /home/staging-yoast/staging-platform.yoast.com/versions/20f300c0f75c8233e65becb49cb77c8946367afb/web/app/themes/yoast-com/html_includes/partials/post-author.php on line 39
Willemien Hallebeek

At Yoast we’re convinced readability is essential if you want to rank high and give users a pleasant experience on your website. That’s why we’re so happy we’re now capable of fully analyzing content in yet another language: Dutch! Plus, if you write in a language with diacritics, i.e. marks on a letter that indicate …

Read: "Yoast SEO 7.9.1: Dutch checks complete & improved keyword recognition"
Yoast SEO 7.9.1: Dutch checks complete & improved keyword recognition

What is WordPress?

3 August 2018 Davey Smeekens

WordPress is a CMS, which stands for Content Management System. Starting out as a blog platform, it’s now widely used to build websites of all sorts and types. The platform’s popularity is mostly attributed to the fact that it’s free, but certainly also to its ease of use, ease of extension and search engine friendly …

Read: "What is WordPress?"
What is WordPress?

Yoast SEO 7.9: Getting rid of bugs in the summer

24 July 2018 | 30 Comments
Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /home/staging-yoast/staging-platform.yoast.com/versions/20f300c0f75c8233e65becb49cb77c8946367afb/web/app/themes/yoast-com/html_includes/partials/post-author.php on line 39
Willemien Hallebeek

Say hi to a brand new version of Yoast SEO! As it’s summertime, our hard-working developers went out on a collective bug hunt. Together with the community – we’re so happy to be part of – they’re giving their all to make our plugin work better for everyone using it. For instance, to make the …

Read: "Yoast SEO 7.9: Getting rid of bugs in the summer"
Yoast SEO 7.9: Getting rid of bugs in the summer

Yoast SEO 7.8: Synonyms and keyword distribution

Semantics is hard. What does a certain word mean in a specific situation? Which ‘mars’ are you talking about? Have you ever tried to discover all definitions of ‘run’? In most cases, context is everything. You can help humans and machines understand a text better by adding context. This is one of the reasons Yoast …

Read: "Yoast SEO 7.8: Synonyms and keyword distribution"
Yoast SEO 7.8: Synonyms and keyword distribution

5 questions for Yoast’s community hero Taco

14 June 2018 | 1 Comment
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Marieke van de Rakt

Five years ago, I met Taco Verdonschot for the first time. He applied for a job at Yoast. He brought a cake to his job interview. So smart! He was the first developer we ever hired and probably the worst one we had. And although Taco wasn’t much of a developer, I knew right from …

Read: "5 questions for Yoast’s community hero Taco"
5 questions for Yoast’s community hero Taco

Using Gutenberg as an editor: does it make my life easier?

6 June 2018 | 27 Comments
Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /home/staging-yoast/staging-platform.yoast.com/versions/20f300c0f75c8233e65becb49cb77c8946367afb/web/app/themes/yoast-com/html_includes/partials/post-author.php on line 39
Willemien Hallebeek

Being part of the blog team at Yoast I spend much time writing, correcting and editing content in the editor. Of course, I’ve heard about Gutenberg (it’s quite the thing here at Yoast) and glanced over it, but I didn’t take the time to do much with it myself. When the Gut Guys asked me …

Read: "Using Gutenberg as an editor: does it make my life easier?"
Using Gutenberg as an editor: does it make my life easier?

Yoast SEO 7.4: Enhanced image support

Please welcome to the stage: Yoast SEO 7.4! In this release, we’ve squashed a number of bugs and focused on enhancing the way Yoast SEO works with Open Graph images. We also made some other enhancements that improve the way the plugin functions. Happy updating! Improved handling of images Images are very important for several …

Read: "Yoast SEO 7.4: Enhanced image support"
Yoast SEO 7.4: Enhanced image support

Writing with Gutenberg

6 April 2018 | 43 Comments
Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /home/staging-yoast/staging-platform.yoast.com/versions/20f300c0f75c8233e65becb49cb77c8946367afb/web/app/themes/yoast-com/html_includes/partials/post-author.php on line 39
Marieke van de Rakt

Gutenberg is coming. It’s a really big thing in the world of WordPress. At Yoast, we are really busy making sure our Yoast SEO plugin integrates nicely with the new editor. So we talk and think and a lot about Gutenberg. But as a writer, I didn’t really use Gutenberg yet. And this made me …

Read: "Writing with Gutenberg"
Writing with Gutenberg

What is the difference between tags and categories?

Tags and categories help us structure our content. You can often find these in the visual metadata at for instance blog posts, or in a list of clickable links in the sidebar of a website. Tags are sometimes represented as a tag cloud, although most websites refrain from using that element these days. There is …

Read: "What is the difference between tags and categories?"
What is the difference between tags and categories?