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How to use WordPress? The 12 most common questions

26 September 2019 Davey Smeekens

WordPress is huge. According to the latest stats, WordPress powers almost 35% of the web — and keeps on growing. With many sites staying true to the CMS and many new sites bursting onto the scene, there are a lot of new users taking their first steps into the wonderful world of WordPress. People from …

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How to use WordPress? The 12 most common questions

Favicons and your online brand: Make sure you stand out!

20 September 2019 Edwin Toonen

Favicons are those little icons you see in your browser tabs. When you have many open tabs in your browser, they help you recognize and find the page you were looking for. They are even more important for your branding because Google shows them in the mobile and desktop search results. So, let’s take a …

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Favicons and your online brand: Make sure you stand out!

Celebrating the WordPress community: the Yoast Care fund

5 September 2019 | 6 Comments
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Marieke van de Rakt

WordPress is wonderful! It is a wonderful CMS and with it comes a wonderful community. At Yoast, we’re definitely WordPress fanboys and fangirls. We’re fans of the CMS, fans of the community and fans of all those kickass volunteers. That’s why we’ve decided to introduce a new fund: the Yoast Care fund. Care stands for …

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Celebrating the WordPress community: the Yoast Care fund

Setting up WordPress for AMP: Accelerated Mobile Pages

6 June 2019 | 28 Comments
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Jono Alderson

This post explains what AMP is and aims to do, who should implement and why, how to get your WordPress site ready for AMP and how to make sure Yoast SEO integrates nicely with it. What are Accelerated Mobile Pages/AMP? The Accelerated Mobile Pages project aims to make pages load instantly on mobile. The web is slow …

Read: "Setting up WordPress for AMP: Accelerated Mobile Pages"
Setting up WordPress for AMP: Accelerated Mobile Pages

WordPress plugin not working? Check these 5 things

30 April 2019
Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /home/staging-yoast/staging-platform.yoast.com/versions/20f300c0f75c8233e65becb49cb77c8946367afb/web/app/themes/yoast-com/html_includes/partials/post-author.php on line 39
Willemien Hallebeek

You’ve installed a WordPress plugin and you’re waiting for the magic to happen. But what if what you see doesn’t match your expectations? What could be wrong if the plugin doesn’t seem to work? Here’s a checklist to get to the root of the problem and to determine the appropriate action to take! Checklist: 1. …

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WordPress plugin not working? Check these 5 things

How to test WordPress 5.0 — and every other new release

7 December 2018 | 11 Comments Edwin Toonen

December 6, 2018, is the day we shall remember for the birth of WordPress 5.0 and its new block editor. While we loved the new editor, initially, we advised people to hold off updating to WordPress 5.0 until a more stable release. But now, we’re happy to tell people to move to WordPress 5.0! Nevertheless, …

Read: "How to test WordPress 5.0 — and every other new release"
How to test WordPress 5.0 — and every other new release

Pressing questions about Gutenberg: the new editor in WordPress 5.0

5 December 2018 | 11 Comments Edwin Toonen

December 6th, 2018, we saw the release of WordPress 5.0. With it came one of the most talked about — and divisive — new features ever: a brand-new editor, the one we currently know as Gutenberg. Gutenberg is not just a simple refresh of the interface, no, it is an entirely re-imagined editor with a …

Read: "Pressing questions about Gutenberg: the new editor in WordPress 5.0"
Pressing questions about Gutenberg: the new editor in WordPress 5.0