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How to install a WordPress plugin

4 March 2020 | 16 Comments
Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /home/staging-yoast/staging-platform.yoast.com/versions/20f300c0f75c8233e65becb49cb77c8946367afb/web/app/themes/yoast-com/html_includes/partials/post-author.php on line 39
Willemien Hallebeek

Plugins are pieces of software you can add to your WordPress site. They can change or improve the functionality of your website in various ways. For instance, you can install plugins to easily build forms, optimize your site for search engines or improve the security of your site. As a WordPress user, you’ll surely need to …

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How to install a WordPress plugin

Google’s Sitelinks Searchbox, with or without Yoast SEO

26 February 2020 | 20 Comments Edwin Toonen

A couple of years ago, Google introduced the Sitelinks Searchbox. When activated, this search box appears under the main URL for a given brand in the search results, above its sitelinks, hence the name. When you search for that brand in Google, you can directly use the site’s search engine. The results will be presented …

Read: "Google’s Sitelinks Searchbox, with or without Yoast SEO"
Google’s Sitelinks Searchbox, with or without Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO 13.1: Schema.org structured data enhancements

18 February 2020 | 5 Comments Edwin Toonen

Yoast SEO 13.1 and WooCommerce SEO 12.6 are out today! In these two updated SEO plugins, you’ll find several fixes and enhancements, mostly focused at improving our Schema.org structured data implementation. In this post, you can learn more about the latest versions of Yoast SEO and WooCommerce SEO. Yoast SEO 13.1 Back in Yoast SEO …

Read: "Yoast SEO 13.1: Schema.org structured data enhancements"
Yoast SEO 13.1: Schema.org structured data enhancements

Move WordPress to a new domain in 10 easy steps!

20 January 2020 | 9 Comments
Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /home/staging-yoast/staging-platform.yoast.com/versions/20f300c0f75c8233e65becb49cb77c8946367afb/web/app/themes/yoast-com/html_includes/partials/post-author.php on line 39
Jono Alderson

Sometimes, branding, technical or business decisions mean that you need to change your domain. If you’re not careful, a poorly managed move can really hurt your SEO. Thankfully, WordPress makes things pretty easy – here’s everything you need to do. 10 steps to move WordPress That should be it, you’ve moved WordPress to a new …

Read: "Move WordPress to a new domain in 10 easy steps!"
Move WordPress to a new domain in 10 easy steps!

Search Console showing errors in your product structured data?

21 November 2019 | 14 Comments Edwin Toonen

Google’s recent run of enhancement reports in Search Console gives you lots of insights into how your site is performing in search. Sometimes, though, it gives you stuff to think about, like errors or improvements to make. For instance, if you run an online store, you’re bound to have come across this structured data error: …

Read: "Search Console showing errors in your product structured data?"
Search Console showing errors in your product structured data?

User roles in WordPress

7 November 2019
Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /home/staging-yoast/staging-platform.yoast.com/versions/20f300c0f75c8233e65becb49cb77c8946367afb/web/app/themes/yoast-com/html_includes/partials/post-author.php on line 39
Dijana Muzhdeka

Not all user roles in WordPress are created equal. Each role comes with different permissions and capabilities. As a site owner, you can assign roles and determine what your users are allowed to do on your site. The tasks users can do range from writing posts to updating the WordPress core. In this article, you …

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User roles in WordPress

WordPress robots.txt: Best-practice example for SEO

7 November 2019
Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /home/staging-yoast/staging-platform.yoast.com/versions/20f300c0f75c8233e65becb49cb77c8946367afb/web/app/themes/yoast-com/html_includes/partials/post-author.php on line 39
Jono Alderson

Your robots.txt file is a powerful tool when working on a website’s SEO – but you should handle it with care. It allows you to deny search engines access to different files and folders, but often that’s not the best way to optimize your site. Here, we’ll explain how we think site owners should use their …

Read: "WordPress robots.txt: Best-practice example for SEO"
WordPress robots.txt: Best-practice example for SEO