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Webmaster tools

Both Google and Bing offer specific webmaster tools for website owners and SEOs. Google’s Search Console and Bing’s Webmaster Tools are both a true treasure trove of information that every website owner should dive into.

These posts describe features and news about these webmaster tools programs and act as a set of tutorials on how to use them at the same time.

SEO basics

What is Google Search Console? »

Google Search Console lets webmasters monitor and manage their websites through an official portal, and is crammed full with useful statistics.

Get started!

How to use Google Search Console: a beginner's guide »

Want to know how to use Google Search Console? In this post, we'll explain how you can use this tool to find out how your site is doing.

Must read articles about Webmaster tools

Recent Webmaster tools articles

Want to know how to use Google Search Console? In this post, we'll explain how you can use this tool to find out how your site is doing.

Find out what the Site Kit plugin is, which tools it includes, and how it helps to improve your WordPress site.

Microsoft's Clarity is a free analytics tool which provides website usage statistics, session recording, and heatmaps.

Browse through our Webmaster tools content posts. »

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