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Google Video vs. Bing Video: How do they rank videos?

3 August 2022 Davey Smeekens

Google and Bing offer unique methods of video discovery, through and respectively. However, the way they discover, rank and present videos are very different. In this post, we’ll break down the ways in which the two platforms differ. And we’ll discuss what you need to do to make your videos well optimized for …

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Google Video vs. Bing Video: How do they rank videos?

YouTube SEO in 5 minutes

24 May 2022 Davey Smeekens

We’ll start with a brief summary of YouTube ranking factors. Next, we’ll make a best-guess assessment of how they break down from a practical standpoint. And then we’ll discuss how to do Youtube SEO. YouTube ranking factors There are two core overarching groups into which YouTube ranking factors fit: relevancy and authority. Relevancy Transcripts and …

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YouTube SEO in 5 minutes

How to optimize an auto-playing background video in WordPress

17 January 2022 Davey Smeekens

An auto-playing background video is a popular feature for the homepage of many websites, from big eCommerce brands to B2B software and services companies. You can use the added visual interest to capture the attention of new visitors and show off your brand personality. With WordPress, it’s very straightforward to set up a video background. …

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How to optimize an auto-playing background video in WordPress

How to rank YouTube videos in Google search

7 December 2021 | 2 Comments Davey Smeekens

Getting YouTube videos indexed and ranking in Google search is, essentially, extremely straightforward. There are two steps you need to take. Step 1 is uploading your videos to YouTube and step 2 is setting the visibility to public. And… that’s it! Just by having your videos uploaded on YouTube and publicly available, they’ll be eligible …

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How to rank YouTube videos in Google search