User eXperience (UX) archives

Recent User eXperience (UX) articles

What is user testing and why should you do it?

10 September 2019 | 3 Comments
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Meike Hendriks

Watching your (potential) clients use your website or use your products can give you plenty of new insights. Seeing how they navigate, search or click your site can give you information you wouldn’t get out of just analyzing your data. And, as you know your product inside out, you might have developed some blind spots. …

Read: "What is user testing and why should you do it?"
What is user testing and why should you do it?

Panel research for your business: Benefits and tips

9 August 2019 | 3 Comments
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Meike Hendriks

What are the benefits of having a research panel for your business? And what are the differences compared to other types of research? In a nutshell, panel research can give you deeper insights into your audience and it’s most valuable if you combine it with other types of user research. Here, we’ll tell you what …

Read: "Panel research for your business: Benefits and tips"
Panel research for your business: Benefits and tips

What is an exit survey and why should you use it?

4 July 2019 | 5 Comments
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Meike Hendriks

When you’ve welcomed your visitors to your website, you want them to stay and to hang around and, eventually, you want them to convert. Converting could mean subscribing to your newsletter, making an appointment or buying one of your products. Or maybe you have a totally different goal for your website.  But what do you …

Read: "What is an exit survey and why should you use it?"
What is an exit survey and why should you use it?

Why and how to investigate the top tasks of your visitors

31 May 2019 | 9 Comments
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Meike Hendriks

At Yoast, we continuously want to improve our website and our products. But how do you find out what makes them better? Sure, we need to fulfill the needs of our clients. But how do you know what your client’s top tasks are? Doing research is the answer! We love doing research because we get …

Read: "Why and how to investigate the top tasks of your visitors"
Why and how to investigate the top tasks of your visitors

The importance of typography

17 May 2019 | 4 Comments
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Marieke van de Rakt

For a blog, it’s of great importance that people can read the texts of your post properly. Reading from screens is hard, so make sure you don’t make it any harder than it already is. In this post, we’ll give tips on how to improve the typography of your blog. Typography and readability The readability …

Read: "The importance of typography"
The importance of typography

How to optimize your restaurant website

4 April 2019 | 9 Comments
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Michiel Heijmans

If you have a restaurant and a restaurant website to go with it, you might want to read this article. We have covered a lot of topics on this website already, but we’ve decided to focus a bit more on specific types of websites in a number of posts. In this post, we discuss what you need …

Read: "How to optimize your restaurant website"
How to optimize your restaurant website

Product page UX: 3 great examples

20 March 2019
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Thijs de Valk

If you’ve done our All-around SEO training, you already realize that product page SEO isn’t just about optimizing your title and headings. Product page SEO is about making that product page as user-friendly as possible, making sure bounce rate is as low as possible and the page looks awesome in Google. It’s about product page UX …

Read: "Product page UX: 3 great examples"
Product page UX: 3 great examples

The journey towards Yoast SEO 7.0

7 March 2018 | 29 Comments
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Marieke van de Rakt

Joost de Valk founded Yoast. For a long time, Joost was the only developer working on Yoast SEO. He came up with all the features and implemented all the code; he did everything. As the company grew, we created a large development team. Joost always remained part of the development team and came up with …

Read: "The journey towards Yoast SEO 7.0"
The journey towards Yoast SEO 7.0

Case study: Appealing content for a real estate site

8 February 2018 | 3 Comments
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Meike Hendriks

In our Ask Yoast case studies, we gave SEO advice to readers who signed up for this series. This time, however, we’ve had a look at the website of Ryan Hoffman: He didn’t sign up for the case study, but commented on our Ultimate guide to Content SEO. He told us nobody in his target …

Read: "Case study: Appealing content for a real estate site"
Case study: Appealing content for a real estate site

How to perform an SEO audit. Part 1: Content SEO & UX

5 December 2017 | 16 Comments
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Michiel Heijmans

SEO audits used to be a big part of our business and a couple of years ago, we were doing up to 60 of them every month. Although we stopped doing consultancy like this some time ago, we still do the occasional audit, for example when a friend asks us to have a quick check …

Read: "How to perform an SEO audit. Part 1: Content SEO & UX"
How to perform an SEO audit. Part 1: Content SEO & UX