User eXperience (UX) archives

Recent User eXperience (UX) articles

Easier online shopping with ecommerce filters for products

8 March 2021 | 2 Comments Edwin Toonen

Online shops rarely sell just a few products. If your shop has a few hundred or a thousand articles, it might help if you offer your customers a filtering option. You must do whatever you can to help your customer get to the desired product as soon as possible. Ecommerce filters can help you solve …

Read: "Easier online shopping with ecommerce filters for products"
Easier online shopping with ecommerce filters for products

How to optimize your homepage

21 January 2021 | 19 Comments Edwin Toonen

Does homepage SEO exist? We asked ourselves that in our post on homepage SEO. However, a lot of the people still feel that a homepage should be optimized for a keyword. Perhaps optimizing your homepage for search engines works for some of you, but ranking in Google should definitely not be the only purpose of your homepage! …

Read: "How to optimize your homepage"
How to optimize your homepage

Optimize product images for your online store

23 December 2020 | 6 Comments
Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /home/staging-yoast/ on line 39
Thijs de Valk

Product images can make or break your online shop’s success. You can hire the best designer in the world to create a killer design, but when images are bad, sales will be bad. It’s the first thing a customer will look at. In this post, we’ll go over a number of things you need to consider when …

Read: "Optimize product images for your online store"
Optimize product images for your online store

10 ways to improve mobile UX

4 November 2020 | 7 Comments
Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /home/staging-yoast/ on line 39
Michiel Heijmans

You have a mobile website, right? Is it responsive or did you use a plugin to make it look good? Does it convert? As mobile internet usage has exploded over the years, your mobile website’s user experience (or mobile UX) should get as much attention as the user experience of your desktop website. Even more so, …

Read: "10 ways to improve mobile UX"
10 ways to improve mobile UX

How to turn your online customer into a brand ambassador

22 September 2020 | 4 Comments
Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /home/staging-yoast/ on line 39
Michiel Heijmans

Right after a customer does an online purchase on your site, an important marketing opportunity arises. At that moment, someone chose to buy a product from your business, linking them to your brand. So make sure to seize that moment! In this article, we’ll go over a number of things you can do to turn these online …

Read: "How to turn your online customer into a brand ambassador"
How to turn your online customer into a brand ambassador

Sliders suck and should be banned from your website

10 September 2020
Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /home/staging-yoast/ on line 39
Thijs de Valk

Five years ago, we wrote about why we really don’t like sliders. We still don’t like sliders. If your theme forces you to include a slider (also named carousels) on your homepage, please realize that it’s making you use a feature that has no value for SEO. A feature that is probably slowing down your site …

Read: "Sliders suck and should be banned from your website"
Sliders suck and should be banned from your website

DIY: Test your mobile site!

22 July 2020 | 24 Comments
Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /home/staging-yoast/ on line 39
Michiel Heijmans

More than half of all internet traffic comes from mobile devices (fact). So if you are ignoring your mobile site, you might be missing out on on a big part of your audience. In this post, I’d liked to go over a couple of ways you can check your own mobile sites. After this post, you’ll be …

Read: "DIY: Test your mobile site!"
DIY: Test your mobile site!

What is a landing page? And how does it work?

20 July 2020 | 16 Comments
Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /home/staging-yoast/ on line 39
Willemien Hallebeek

As simple as they sound, landing pages might be a confusing topic for site owners. What qualifies as a landing page and what doesn’t? Is every page you land on a landing page? What about Landing Pages in Google analytics? And, can you optimize them for conversion and search engines? Let’s dive in! What is …

Read: "What is a landing page? And how does it work?"
What is a landing page? And how does it work?