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Recent Technical SEO articles

How to check the performance of rich results in Google Search Console

Adding structured data to your site is a great way of describing your content to Google so that it makes it easier for it to grasp your pages. Once you’ve added it, you can monitor the performance of your rich results in Google Search Console. This tool gives you everything you need to get the …

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How to check the performance of rich results in Google Search Console

SEO news in May 2021: Google introduces a new language model

This month, Google held their annual I/O conference, an event at which they announce new product releases and other interesting stuff. They introduced us to MUM, their new language model and the next step in understanding online content. But meeting (their) MUM wasn’t all. There was lots of SEO news in May 2021 and our …

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SEO news in May 2021: Google introduces a new language model

Rich results are rocking the SERPs

Rich search results are everywhere. Years ago, search engines presented search results without much adornment. Today, the search results look very different, especially on mobile. We see extra information beneath the links, plus a couple of big blocks of rich — often visual or action-oriented — content, depending on what you look for. In this …

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Rich results are rocking the SERPs

SEO news in March 2021: A rise in Google’s zero-click searches

There was quite a bit of discussion about a study that said that nearly 65% of Google searches in 2020 did not result in a click. This is one of the topics that our resident SEO experts Joost de Valk and Jono Alderson talked about in this month’s webinar. Want to know what they had …

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SEO news in March 2021: A rise in Google’s zero-click searches

Google’s algorithm is smart and dumb at the same time

30 March 2021 | 8 Comments
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Marieke van de Rakt

Google is smart, amazingly smart. The algorithm is very close to reading texts like human beings. At the same time, parts of Google’s algorithm aren’t smart at all. Computers aren’t good at understanding ‘what is what’ on a page. If you have a recipe site, you’ll need to tell Google what an ingredient is, what …

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Google’s algorithm is smart and dumb at the same time

Rich results for products with structured data

29 March 2021 | 4 Comments Edwin Toonen

You see them in search results a lot: product listings with added metadata, like price, availability, reviews, and specifications. However, not every site offering the same product has the same rich results or rich snippets. This could have two reasons. One, Google doesn’t deem the site important enough to show additional metadata. Or two, the …

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Rich results for products with structured data

Mobile parity: does your site offer a singular experience?

26 March 2021 | 7 Comments Edwin Toonen

You might have heard the term parity before in SEO, specifically mobile parity. It all comes down to one thing: you should see your site as a single thing. You shouldn’t have a ‘mobile site,’ as distinct from a ‘desktop site.’ You should have one site — which may use CSS to display elements differently …

Read: "Mobile parity: does your site offer a singular experience?"
Mobile parity: does your site offer a singular experience?

Preventing your site from being indexed, the right way

We’ve said it way back when, but we’ll repeat it: it keeps amazing us that there are still people using just a robots.txt files to prevent indexing of their site in Google or Bing. As a result, their site shows up in the search engines anyway. Do you know why it keeps amazing us? Because …

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Preventing your site from being indexed, the right way