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Recent Technical SEO articles

Our first-time configuration helps Google understand your site!

When you started your business, what were the first steps you took to establish yourself in the market? You probably thought of a name and created a logo to go with it. Who knows, maybe you also created a few social accounts to introduce your business to potential customers right away. But like most businesses, …

Read: "Our first-time configuration helps Google understand your site!"
Our first-time configuration helps Google understand your site!

How to rank high in Google

29 March 2022 | 2 Comments
Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /home/staging-yoast/ on line 39
Marieke van de Rakt

Want to know how to rank high in Google? You’re not the only one. “Could you please write a post with a clear path on just what to do to rank high in Google?”, “What should I do to make sure I’ll outrank my competition?”, “Could you write a clear, step-by-step to-do list on how …

Read: "How to rank high in Google"
How to rank high in Google

Indexing in Yoast SEO: What pages to show in Google’s search results

14 February 2022 Edwin Toonen

You probably want Google and other search engines to show most of your content in the search results. But most websites also have a few pages or posts that don’t need to be featured in those search results. So how do you tell Google what pages to show and which ones not to? This is …

Read: "Indexing in Yoast SEO: What pages to show in Google’s search results"
Indexing in Yoast SEO: What pages to show in Google’s search results

Image SEO: How to optimize your alt text and title text

1 December 2021 | 6 Comments Davey Smeekens

Adding images to your posts and product pages encourages people to read them, and well-chosen images can also back up your message and get you a good ranking in image search results. But you should always remember to provide your images with good alt attributes. Because alt text strengthens the message of your pages with …

Read: "Image SEO: How to optimize your alt text and title text"
Image SEO: How to optimize your alt text and title text

Got an old website? Update it and refresh your SEO

17 November 2021 | 9 Comments
Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /home/staging-yoast/ on line 39
Amy Lees

Do you have an old website that’s seen better days? Or a site that’s been offline for a few years? In this post, we’ll explain what you should check to get it up to modern standards and how to update your SEO at the same time. We’ve covered all the main things you need to …

Read: "Got an old website? Update it and refresh your SEO"
Got an old website? Update it and refresh your SEO

How ‘near me’ searches can help your local SEO

9 November 2021 | 4 Comments Edwin Toonen

Google keeps getting better at handling near me searches. Needless to say, mobile is the de facto way for most people to search for businesses and products — especially while out and about. Location-based ‘everything’ needs to be considered while optimizing the mobile and local SEO for location-dependent businesses. Google is stepping up its game …

Read: "How ‘near me’ searches can help your local SEO"
How ‘near me’ searches can help your local SEO