Yoast SEO Premium archives

Recent Yoast SEO Premium articles

Why we don’t support old WordPress versions

7 July 2018 Davey Smeekens

For all sorts of reasons, people might not be able to update WordPress installs properly. Unfortunately, we can’t support anything but the latest and the prior to last version for both our free and premium plugins. If you’re running anything else, we’re sorry, but we’re not able to help you. Here, we’d like to convince you …

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Why we don’t support old WordPress versions

The context of internal links

15 June 2018 | 14 Comments
Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /home/staging-yoast/staging-platform.yoast.com/versions/20f300c0f75c8233e65becb49cb77c8946367afb/web/app/themes/yoast-com/html_includes/partials/post-author.php on line 39
Marieke van de Rakt

Internal linking should be one of the key focus points in your SEO strategy. It’s my favorite aspect of SEO because it’s so very actionable. The Yoast SEO Premium plugin helps you set up a great internal linking structure very easily. So let me explain the importance of a great internal linking structure. Learn how …

Read: "The context of internal links"
The context of internal links

Looking back at Yoast in 2017 (with infographic!)

28 December 2017 | 5 Comments
Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /home/staging-yoast/staging-platform.yoast.com/versions/20f300c0f75c8233e65becb49cb77c8946367afb/web/app/themes/yoast-com/html_includes/partials/post-author.php on line 39
Marieke van de Rakt

With 2018 just around the corner, it’s time to look back at yet another amazing year at Yoast. We’ve made some excellent improvements to Yoast SEO and released a bunch of new awesome online SEO courses. Team Yoast has been to lots and lots of conferences. We’ll write separate blog posts to look back at …

Read: "Looking back at Yoast in 2017 (with infographic!)"
Looking back at Yoast in 2017 (with infographic!)

Yoast SEO: How to make your site stand out in search results

14 December 2017 | 31 Comments
Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /home/staging-yoast/staging-platform.yoast.com/versions/20f300c0f75c8233e65becb49cb77c8946367afb/web/app/themes/yoast-com/html_includes/partials/post-author.php on line 39
Michiel Heijmans

In this article, I’d like to highlight the snippet preview in our Yoast SEO plugin. How does this feature help you make your page stand out in the search results? What are the snippet preview and snippet editor, how do they work and what should you pay attention to when using them?  With the release …

Read: "Yoast SEO: How to make your site stand out in search results"
Yoast SEO: How to make your site stand out in search results

What does the redirect manager in Yoast SEO do?

30 November 2017 | 13 Comments Edwin Toonen

The redirect manager in Yoast SEO Premium is a real lifesaver. It’s a feature we at Yoast use many times a day. Once you used it for a while, you wonder how you ever lived without it. The redirect manager makes everyday website optimization and maintenance a piece of cake. It takes care of all …

Read: "What does the redirect manager in Yoast SEO do?"
What does the redirect manager in Yoast SEO do?

WordPress SEO 2.2

Both WordPress SEO Premium and the free version of WordPress SEO have been updated to version 2.2. This new release brings quite a few changes and some nice new additions. We’ll explain the changes in this post. Security fixes This release contains a fix for a potential XSS issue in the admin, specifically the snippet preview. It was caused by issues …

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WordPress SEO 2.2

WordPress SEO Premium 1.1

After we released WordPress SEO Premium at January 23rd and WordPress SEO 1.5 at the beginning of March (a major rewrite of large parts of the plugin), we’re now ready to release WordPress SEO Premium 1.1. This new version introduces regular expression support for redirects as well as an even better integration with Google Webmaster …

Read: "WordPress SEO Premium 1.1"

WordPress SEO Premium 1.0

23 January 2014 | 69 Comments Davey Smeekens

We’re very proud to bring this release to you today: WordPress SEO premium 1.0 is here. This premium version adds a redirect module to the WordPress SEO plugin that allows you to manage your redirects from within your WordPress installation. It also allows you to retrieve your site’s crawl errors from Google Search Console and …

Read: "WordPress SEO Premium 1.0"