SEO copywriting archives

Recent SEO copywriting articles

How to optimize your homepage

21 January 2021 | 19 Comments Edwin Toonen

Does homepage SEO exist? We asked ourselves that in our post on homepage SEO. However, a lot of the people still feel that a homepage should be optimized for a keyword. Perhaps optimizing your homepage for search engines works for some of you, but ranking in Google should definitely not be the only purpose of your homepage! …

Read: "How to optimize your homepage"
How to optimize your homepage

Timeless SEO tips: 6 universal SEO tactics that never go out of fashion

19 January 2021 | 14 Comments
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Willemien Hallebeek

Things are always on the move in the SEO world. Google regularly updates its algorithm, and the competition is never far behind. And with the rising popularity of AI tools, the situation is changing yet again. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a list of timeless SEO improvements to focus on? We thought it might! …

Read: "Timeless SEO tips: 6 universal SEO tactics that never go out of fashion"
Timeless SEO tips: 6 universal SEO tactics that never go out of fashion

How to write a mission statement for your site

11 January 2021 | 12 Comments
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Marieke van de Rakt

Having a site for your business is quite common nowadays. Chances are that you’ve also created one to make sure that people can find and contact you online. But have you really thought about the goal of your website? And is this reflected in the structure and content of your site? Writing a mission statement …

Read: "How to write a mission statement for your site"
How to write a mission statement for your site

What is content marketing?

22 December 2020 | 5 Comments
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Marieke van de Rakt

Content marketing consists of all marketing activities that focus on the creation and sharing of information. If you’re serious about your SEO, it should definitely be part of your strategy. But nowadays, it’s also crucial for branding. Sharing valuable information is a great way to attract an audience and show them that you’re an expert in what …

Read: "What is content marketing?"
What is content marketing?

How to optimize a blog post for search engines: a checklist!

24 November 2020 | 16 Comments
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Marieke van de Rakt

So, you’ve decided to write a blog post. That’s great! Now let’s ensure your efforts pay off, and it turns into an awesome post that also ranks. What will you need to write and optimize that blog post? What steps do you need to take? You can use this blog post checklist to ensure you’ve …

Read: "How to optimize a blog post for search engines: a checklist!"
How to optimize a blog post for search engines: a checklist!

SEO tips for non-profit organizations

6 October 2020 | 4 Comments
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Marieke van de Rakt

SEO is important for every website that wants to attract traffic. SEO for non-profits, in that regard, isn’t that different from SEO for other businesses. For non-profits -often struggling to make ends meet- it can be a cheap and effective way of attracting traffic. Making sure your website is findable in the search engines increases …

Read: "SEO tips for non-profit organizations"
SEO tips for non-profit organizations

Blog post structure: How to set up an easy-to-read text

30 September 2020 | 9 Comments
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Marieke van de Rakt

When blogging, it pays dividends to lay out the structure of your piece before you begin writing. The structure is the skeleton of your text and preparing it has multiple benefits. Firstly, it’s easier to write a text when your structure is already there. Secondly, a clear structure helps the reader to easily read your …

Read: "Blog post structure: How to set up an easy-to-read text"
Blog post structure: How to set up an easy-to-read text

How to duplicate a post in WordPress, plus 4 reasons why!

10 September 2020 | 10 Comments
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Willemien Hallebeek

If you write content in WordPress, duplicating a post can come in quite handy. It can save you a lot of valuable time to clone a post and adjust the content, instead of starting from scratch with every post you write. Fortunately, cloning a post becomes very easy with the Yoast Duplicate post plugin. In …

Read: "How to duplicate a post in WordPress, plus 4 reasons why!"
How to duplicate a post in WordPress, plus 4 reasons why!

Set up cornerstone content and get it ranking in 6 steps

26 August 2020 | 5 Comments
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Marieke van de Rakt

On your site, you’ll probably have a few articles that are most dear to your heart. Articles you desperately want people to read. Articles you want people to find in Google. At Yoast, we call these articles your cornerstone articles. How does the Yoast SEO plugin help you set up a cornerstone content strategy? We’ll …

Read: "Set up cornerstone content and get it ranking in 6 steps"
Set up cornerstone content and get it ranking in 6 steps

Should you optimize your content for questions?

28 July 2020 | 20 Comments
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Fleur Heesen

Search engines are getting better and better at understanding language. Does that mean they can also understand questions? And what does that mean for the way you should write and optimize your content for questions? We’ll find out in this post! First, we’ll explore how Google understands and uses questions. Then, we’ll go into why …

Read: "Should you optimize your content for questions?"
Should you optimize your content for questions?