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Recent Mobile SEO articles

SEO in 2023: Your chance to shine!

28 December 2022 | 1 Comment Edwin Toonen

For most sites, SEO in 2023 will probably be similar to the past couple of years: you still need to improve your work but set the bar higher and higher. Competition is getting fiercer, and Google — and your potential customers — are getting better at recognizing true quality. Also, you should keep an eye …

Read: "SEO in 2023: Your chance to shine!"
SEO in 2023: Your chance to shine!

What is UX (and why bother)?

12 October 2022
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Willemien Hallebeek

You might have heard us say it before: the UX of your site is essential for SEO. But what is UX? And why is it important for SEO? In this article, we’ll explain what it is and why you shouldn’t overlook it if you want to rank high in Google. On top of that, we’ll …

Read: "What is UX (and why bother)?"
What is UX (and why bother)?

Google Discover: What it is and how to get your content in

7 September 2022 | 6 Comments Edwin Toonen

Google Discover offers users a different way to search. Actually, it’s not really a search in a traditional sense — it’s a queryless discovery of content that fits your preferences and interests. It suggests new content based on your search activity and interaction with the Discover app. And it learns what you like, so it …

Read: "Google Discover: What it is and how to get your content in"
Google Discover: What it is and how to get your content in

How ‘near me’ searches can help your local SEO

9 November 2021 | 4 Comments Edwin Toonen

Google keeps getting better at handling near me searches. Needless to say, mobile is the de facto way for most people to search for businesses and products — especially while out and about. Location-based ‘everything’ needs to be considered while optimizing the mobile and local SEO for location-dependent businesses. Google is stepping up its game …

Read: "How ‘near me’ searches can help your local SEO"
How ‘near me’ searches can help your local SEO

How to build Google Web Stories in WordPress

24 June 2021 | 8 Comments Edwin Toonen

What do Instagram Stories, Facebook Stories, Snapchat Stories, and Twitter Fleets have in common? They are all so-called social media implementations of the same story idea. A story is a series of images or others types of content that belong together, and thus, tell a story. Visual storytelling is huge, and now the web has …

Read: "How to build Google Web Stories in WordPress"
How to build Google Web Stories in WordPress

Mobile parity: does your site offer a singular experience?

26 March 2021 | 7 Comments Edwin Toonen

You might have heard the term parity before in SEO, specifically mobile parity. It all comes down to one thing: you should see your site as a single thing. You shouldn’t have a ‘mobile site,’ as distinct from a ‘desktop site.’ You should have one site — which may use CSS to display elements differently …

Read: "Mobile parity: does your site offer a singular experience?"
Mobile parity: does your site offer a singular experience?

Learn about the three Core Web Vitals: LCP, FID & CLS

15 March 2021 | 2 Comments Edwin Toonen

Some time ago, Google caused quite a stir by announcing a new ranking factor for 2021: page experience. User experience has always been an essential part of building the best site out there, but now, it will play an even bigger role in helping you build awesome sites for your customers. All this is powered …

Read: "Learn about the three Core Web Vitals: LCP, FID & CLS"
Learn about the three Core Web Vitals: LCP, FID & CLS