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Recent Local SEO articles

New Local SEO training: Learn how to rank locally!

8 September 2020 | 2 Comments
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Marieke van de Rakt

With a website, you can reach out to the entire online world. But what if you want to target a local audience? Then you need to practice local SEO! Especially now, ensuring your local audience can find you online is incredibly important. That’s why we’re launching a brand-new Local SEO training today! In this training, …

Read: "New Local SEO training: Learn how to rank locally!"
New Local SEO training: Learn how to rank locally!

SEO basics: What is local SEO?

4 August 2020 | 4 Comments
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Willemien Hallebeek

A website allows you to target the entire (online) world. Local SEO, on the contrary, is focused on ranking higher in your local area. Especially now, when people are trying to reach you more often online than offline, it’s worth investing in it. Getting found online by your local audience highly increases your business’s chances of …

Read: "SEO basics: What is local SEO?"
SEO basics: What is local SEO?

Shops & restaurants: easy curbside pickup with WooCommerce and Local SEO

8 April 2020 | 3 Comments Edwin Toonen

With restaurants, shops, and other businesses closing due to the Coronavirus pandemic, their owners are looking for other ways to keep their businesses going. Luckily, many customers are searching for ways to support their local businesses. One of the ways for a restaurant to keep serving people is by offering local pickups of meals. You …

Read: "Shops & restaurants: easy curbside pickup with WooCommerce and Local SEO"
Shops & restaurants: easy curbside pickup with WooCommerce and Local SEO

How to optimize your restaurant website

4 April 2019 | 9 Comments
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Michiel Heijmans

If you have a restaurant and a restaurant website to go with it, you might want to read this article. We have covered a lot of topics on this website already, but we’ve decided to focus a bit more on specific types of websites in a number of posts. In this post, we discuss what you need …

Read: "How to optimize your restaurant website"
How to optimize your restaurant website

Case study: Appealing content for a real estate site

8 February 2018 | 3 Comments
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Meike Hendriks

In our Ask Yoast case studies, we gave SEO advice to readers who signed up for this series. This time, however, we’ve had a look at the website of Ryan Hoffman: leverageny.com. He didn’t sign up for the case study, but commented on our Ultimate guide to Content SEO. He told us nobody in his target …

Read: "Case study: Appealing content for a real estate site"
Case study: Appealing content for a real estate site

Case study: SEO for architect websites

13 July 2017 | 11 Comments
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Meike Hendriks

In this Ask Yoast case study: the website of Slemish Design Studio Architects, the business site of an architect duo. The architects told us that they get great responses from their clients, but is their website optimized for search engines as well? We’ll dive into this architectural website to see what improvements can be made …

Read: "Case study: SEO for architect websites"
Case study: SEO for architect websites