Local SEO case study archives

Recent Local SEO case study articles

SEO tips for non-profit organizations

6 October 2020 | 4 Comments
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Marieke van de Rakt

SEO is important for every website that wants to attract traffic. SEO for non-profits, in that regard, isn’t that different from SEO for other businesses. For non-profits -often struggling to make ends meet- it can be a cheap and effective way of attracting traffic. Making sure your website is findable in the search engines increases …

Read: "SEO tips for non-profit organizations"
SEO tips for non-profit organizations

How to optimize your restaurant website

4 April 2019 | 9 Comments
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Michiel Heijmans

If you have a restaurant and a restaurant website to go with it, you might want to read this article. We have covered a lot of topics on this website already, but we’ve decided to focus a bit more on specific types of websites in a number of posts. In this post, we discuss what you need …

Read: "How to optimize your restaurant website"
How to optimize your restaurant website

Case study: Appealing content for a real estate site

8 February 2018 | 3 Comments
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Meike Hendriks

In our Ask Yoast case studies, we gave SEO advice to readers who signed up for this series. This time, however, we’ve had a look at the website of Ryan Hoffman: leverageny.com. He didn’t sign up for the case study, but commented on our Ultimate guide to Content SEO. He told us nobody in his target …

Read: "Case study: Appealing content for a real estate site"
Case study: Appealing content for a real estate site

Case study: SEO for architect websites

13 July 2017 | 11 Comments
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Meike Hendriks

In this Ask Yoast case study: the website of Slemish Design Studio Architects, the business site of an architect duo. The architects told us that they get great responses from their clients, but is their website optimized for search engines as well? We’ll dive into this architectural website to see what improvements can be made …

Read: "Case study: SEO for architect websites"
Case study: SEO for architect websites

Case study: SEO of a photographer’s site

13 June 2017 | 15 Comments
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Meike Hendriks

Writing about SEO is easier than implementing best practices on a website yourself. Every site is different and every type of site presents its own challenge. We know that, and that’s why we started our Yoast Case studies, in which we scrutinize an existing site and give the owner practical advice on how to optimize it. In this third case study: …

Read: "Case study: SEO of a photographer’s site"
Case study: SEO of a photographer’s site

Case study: SEO of an online shop

21 April 2017 | 12 Comments
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Marieke van de Rakt

SEO can be really complicated! How do you start with improving the structure of a site? How do you write amazing and SEO-friendly articles? To help all of you with your SEO strategy, I’m writing a series of Ask Yoast case studies. In these case studies, I’ll take a look at a specific site (the owner knows …

Read: "Case study: SEO of an online shop"
Case study: SEO of an online shop

How to optimize your real estate site

16 March 2016 | 8 Comments
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Michiel Heijmans

There is a significant difference between a real estate site and a ‘regular’ website. Real estate sites have temporary content: when an estate is up for sale, there is a page for it online. But when it’s sold, it tends to leave the internet. In this post, I’ll tell you how to deal with that. First …

Read: "How to optimize your real estate site"
How to optimize your real estate site