Holistic SEO archives

Recent Holistic SEO articles

What is UX (and why bother)?

12 October 2022
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Willemien Hallebeek

You might have heard us say it before: the UX of your site is essential for SEO. But what is UX? And why is it important for SEO? In this article, we’ll explain what it is and why you shouldn’t overlook it if you want to rank high in Google. On top of that, we’ll …

Read: "What is UX (and why bother)?"
What is UX (and why bother)?

10 tips to improve the quality of your page

13 September 2022 Camille Cunningham

Is your page not attracting the number of people you thought it would? Or are you wondering what you can improve to get your page higher up in the search results? And to get people to stay on (and come back to) your site? There are a few things you can do to give your …

Read: "10 tips to improve the quality of your page"
10 tips to improve the quality of your page

Page experience: a Google ranking factor

7 August 2022 Edwin Toonen

In May 2020, Google announced Web Vitals — a new set of metrics to measure websites’ speed and user experience. Sometime later, Google announced that these metrics would make their way into a core algorithm update as new ways of judging and ranking sites based on the page experience they offer. This update was gradually …

Read: "Page experience: a Google ranking factor"
Page experience: a Google ranking factor

Link building from a holistic SEO perspective

9 May 2022 | 2 Comments
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Marieke van de Rakt

Link building isn’t easy. That doesn’t mean it’s rocket science. It means it takes a lot of work if you do it right. Link building done the wrong way can backfire, resulting in a ban from Google altogether. In this post, I’ll discuss our ideas about getting more backlinks: link building from a holistic SEO …

Read: "Link building from a holistic SEO perspective"
Link building from a holistic SEO perspective

Your website needs SEO maintenance!

2 December 2021
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Marieke van de Rakt

In order for a website to be successful, you need to have traffic going to it. You need an audience! That’s why SEO is so very important. Unfortunately, a lot of aspects of SEO are hard work. Kind of boring even. And although these SEO tasks can be boring, your website needs you to execute them. Your website needs SEO love. I am …

Read: "Your website needs SEO maintenance!"
Your website needs SEO maintenance!

SEO vs Pay Per Click advertising: Which one to choose?

28 November 2021
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Marieke van de Rakt

Why is SEO so important? And why will SEO continue to be important in the future? Isn’t it much easier to advertise in order to attract traffic to your website? In this blog post, I will explain the importance of SEO. I will also dive into the differences between SEO vs Pay Per Click advertising …

Read: "SEO vs Pay Per Click advertising: Which one to choose?"
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SEO vs Pay Per Click advertising: Which one to choose?

The T in E-E-A-T: What is Trustworthiness? How can you achieve it?

27 October 2021
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Amy Lees

Trust is really important for users browsing content and shopping online. Fake news is a widespread problem, and phishing attacks are becoming more and more common. You might know your content is safe to use — but does Google know that, too? And what about your users? In this post, we’ll explain all about trustworthiness …

Read: "The T in E-E-A-T: What is Trustworthiness? How can you achieve it?"
The T in E-E-A-T: What is Trustworthiness? How can you achieve it?

The A in E-A-T: What is authoritativeness?

14 October 2021
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Amy Lees

The quality of your content is so important nowadays. By creating high-quality content, you can improve your rankings, attract new people, and build a strong relationship with the audience you already have. If you can show authority on a topic, this strengthens your high-quality content and lets users know they can trust you as a …

Read: "The A in E-A-T: What is authoritativeness?"
The A in E-A-T: What is authoritativeness?

A long term SEO strategy? Knowing what Google wants is the key

21 June 2021 | 6 Comments
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Amy Lees

Ranking signals, algorithm updates. One day you have the right number of keywords, the next day it’s too many. It might leave you wondering what Google wants to achieve. Or worrying what all these search changes mean for SEO in the long term. Will that change, too? Maybe you’re thinking about auditing your SEO again, …

Read: "A long term SEO strategy? Knowing what Google wants is the key"
A long term SEO strategy? Knowing what Google wants is the key