Google Search Console archives

Recent Google Search Console articles

Did Google Search Console send an email with an error message?

We are big fans of Google Search Console — and you should be too! It’s an essential tool to keep your site working properly and find opportunities to get better results from the SERPs. But, one thing Google Search Console also does, is send you emails when they encounter an issue. And those error messages …

Read: "Did Google Search Console send an email with an error message?"
Did Google Search Console send an email with an error message?

How to check the performance of rich results in Google Search Console

Adding structured data to your site is a great way of describing your content to Google so that it makes it easier for it to grasp your pages. Once you’ve added it, you can monitor the performance of your rich results in Google Search Console. This tool gives you everything you need to get the …

Read: "How to check the performance of rich results in Google Search Console"
How to check the performance of rich results in Google Search Console

SEO news in April 2021: More time for your Core Web Vitals

A bit of a scandal involving hospitals and the noindex tag, a postponed deadline for your Core Web Vitals and a whole new editing experience in WordPress. Our SEO experts Joost de Valk and Jono Alderson discussed the latest SEO news in April 2021 in our monthly webinar. If you’ve missed it, or simply want …

Read: "SEO news in April 2021: More time for your Core Web Vitals"
SEO news in April 2021: More time for your Core Web Vitals

How to measure the success of your content SEO strategy?

9 March 2021 | 12 Comments
Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /home/staging-yoast/ on line 39
Marieke van de Rakt

If you want to measure your content SEO strategy’s success, you first need to establish your goals. What’s the purpose of your strategy? Do you want higher rankings? More traffic? To evaluate your content SEO strategy, you should identify what success means to you! Once you’ve established your goals, you can measure the success of …

Read: "How to measure the success of your content SEO strategy?"
How to measure the success of your content SEO strategy?

The latest news in SEO and WordPress: February 2021

Every month, we organize a free webinar to discuss what’s new in the world of SEO and WordPress. During these webinars, our SEO experts Joost de Valk and Jono Alderson guide you through the latest news and tell you what you need to know for your site. This time there was lots to discuss, from …

Read: "The latest news in SEO and WordPress: February 2021"
The latest news in SEO and WordPress: February 2021

The latest news in SEO and WordPress: January 2021

Google’s new subtopics ranking, a page builder that’s also focusing on performance and a tool to easily rewrite and repost old content. These are a few of the news items that our SEO experts Joost de Valk and Jono Alderson discussed during our SEO news webinar on the 26th of January 2021. Missed it? No …

Read: "The latest news in SEO and WordPress: January 2021"
The latest news in SEO and WordPress: January 2021

The latest news in SEO and WordPress: October 2020

29 October 2020 Edwin Toonen

October is coming to an end and this means that we hosted another SEO news webinar at Yoast HQ. If you’re not familiar with this recurring event yet: it’s a monthly webinar at which our experts Joost and Jono discuss the latest news when it comes to Google, Bing, WordPress and everything related to SEO. …

Read: "The latest news in SEO and WordPress: October 2020"
The latest news in SEO and WordPress: October 2020

Core Web Vitals report Search Console checks site speed

Google is rapidly expanding the capabilities of Search Console — its must-have tool for site owners/managers. We’ve seen a lot of cool structured data reports appear. In this post, we’re examining an enhancement report dedicated to site speed. It’s important to have a fast site with a good user experience and Google’s new tool helps …

Read: "Core Web Vitals report Search Console checks site speed"
Core Web Vitals report Search Console checks site speed

How to get your new WordPress site indexed

18 March 2020 | 10 Comments
Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /home/staging-yoast/ on line 39
Dijana Muzhdeka

When you roll out the red carpet on a new website, you might be expecting visitors to start coming eagerly. In reality, before people start visiting your site, search engines need to find, index and rank it. In this article, I share some tips that could help you get your site indexed faster.  A quick note …

Read: "How to get your new WordPress site indexed"
How to get your new WordPress site indexed