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Recent Google Analytics articles

Email performance in Google Analytics

11 June 2018 | 4 Comments
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Annelieke van den Berg

Oh, the wonders of email marketing. It can keep your audience up-to-date whilst hopefully resulting in an increase in sales. But how do you measure the efforts of email marketing? Google Analytics can give you insight into how much of your traffic is generated by email. It’s an interesting tool that can break down the …

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Email performance in Google Analytics

Technology report in Google Analytics

28 May 2018 | 16 Comments
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Annelieke van den Berg

The Audience data in Google Analytics beholds a lot of interesting data about your users. Not only does it provide you information about from which country they’re coming or the language they’re using, but it also gives insight in the device they’re using when visiting your site and the browser they’re using for doing that. And …

Read: "Technology report in Google Analytics"
Technology report in Google Analytics

What are dimensions and metrics in Google Analytics?

14 May 2018 | 7 Comments
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Thijs de Valk

Anyone who has browsed through Google Analytics should have come across a whole lot of variables in the reporting stats. The reports consist of dimensions and metrics; Google Analytics calls these the building blocks of your reports. And if you want to create a custom report in Google Analytics or Google Data Studio, you have complete …

Read: "What are dimensions and metrics in Google Analytics?"
What are dimensions and metrics in Google Analytics?

What are pageviews in Google Analytics?

2 May 2018 | 18 Comments
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Thijs de Valk

When browsing through the ‘Behavior’ section in Google Analytics, you’ll come across the term ‘pageviews’ a lot. And you might think that the more views a page has, the better. But is that actually true? What’s a pageview exactly and can page help you understand your site and audience better? Find out in this post! First …

Read: "What are pageviews in Google Analytics?"
What are pageviews in Google Analytics?

What are sessions in Google Analytics?

10 April 2018 | 13 Comments
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Thijs de Valk

I remember my first time in Google Analytics. As a data lover, I enthusiastically clicked my way through the numerous tabs. Seeing terms like sessions, pageviews, users, bounce rate and so on. Being so enthusiastic, I didn’t really think about what these terms actually mean. And that’s pretty important, because without knowing what Google Analytics’ definition of the term …

Read: "What are sessions in Google Analytics?"
What are sessions in Google Analytics?

Which posts and pages perform best?

10 November 2017 | 6 Comments
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Annelieke van den Berg

Picture this, you have an excellent website with nice pages and posts, but you have no clue how these pages perform. Sound familiar? How do you know if people like the posts you’re writing? Where do you find out if your pages convert visitors into newsletter subscribers or customers? The answer lies in the data …

Read: "Which posts and pages perform best?"
Which posts and pages perform best?

Check your site’s SEO yourself

8 November 2017 | 23 Comments
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Michiel Heijmans

One question we get quite often is whether we can help people recover from the drop they noticed in their rankings or traffic. Often, this was a legitimate drop and people were actually in a bit of trouble. However, in most cases, there wasn’t anything wrong with either the traffic or the rankings. In this post, I’ll …

Read: "Check your site’s SEO yourself"
Check your site’s SEO yourself

What are user signals?

4 October 2017 | 13 Comments
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Marieke van de Rakt

If you’re an SEO-newbie you’ll probably hear lots of new and complicated terms. In our SEO basics-series, we’ll explain all these terms and concepts to you. In this post, I’ll go into user signals. What exactly are user signals? And what do user signals have to do with SEO? What do you need to know …

Read: "What are user signals?"
What are user signals?

What is Cohort Analysis in Google Analytics?

8 September 2017 | 1 Comment
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Annelieke van den Berg

You might’ve noticed some features in beta under the Audience tab. One of those beta features is Cohort Analysis. I started looking at this analysis because I was curious. As is often the case with Google Analytics, it wasn’t evident right away. So that’s why I thought I’d delve into it a bit more and try …

Read: "What is Cohort Analysis in Google Analytics?"
What is Cohort Analysis in Google Analytics?

How to use custom campaigns

18 August 2017 | 9 Comments
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Annelieke van den Berg

Google Analytics offers many ways to customize the data you’re tracking. One of these ways to track visitors, exactly the way you want, is custom campaign tracking. In this post, I’ll explain what custom campaigns are and how you can use them. Custom campaigns Custom campaigns are best explained with an example. We use custom campaigns to …

Read: "How to use custom campaigns"
How to use custom campaigns