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Social media strategy: Where to begin?

27 January 2020 | 4 Comments
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Marieke van de Rakt

Social media is not to be ignored these days; it’s everywhere! So, when you’re working on building and growing your website, you need to take social media into account. Not sure why? Check out how social media can influence your SEO. Now, where do you begin? In this post, we’ll walk you through 10 steps …

Read: "Social media strategy: Where to begin?"
Social media strategy: Where to begin?

Does social media influence your SEO?

16 January 2020 | 32 Comments
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Marieke van de Rakt

Handling your social media is a necessary part of any marketing strategy, but it’s also a vital part of any good SEO strategy. The popularity of social media has risen, and I probably will keep doing so. That means Google and other search engines can’t ignore them, and you probably shouldn’t. You even see recent …

Read: "Does social media influence your SEO?"
Does social media influence your SEO?

Social buttons: How to add and track them on your site

To help your blog gain more readers, you can make use of social buttons which allow your current readers to share interesting posts on their social media accounts. But how should you go about implementing them? In this post, we’ll give you some pointers on how to get started. What are social buttons? For those …

Read: "Social buttons: How to add and track them on your site"
Social buttons: How to add and track them on your site

How to optimize your restaurant website

4 April 2019 | 9 Comments
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Michiel Heijmans

If you have a restaurant and a restaurant website to go with it, you might want to read this article. We have covered a lot of topics on this website already, but we’ve decided to focus a bit more on specific types of websites in a number of posts. In this post, we discuss what you need …

Read: "How to optimize your restaurant website"
How to optimize your restaurant website

New tactics to improve your Facebook reach

6 September 2018 | 29 Comments
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Marieke van de Rakt

Last week, I posted an article about the current status concerning Facebook traffic. I shared the fact that for Yoast.com, the Facebook referral traffic is decreasing. I also asked you all whether or not you noticed something similar and invited you to share your tactics to deal with such a decrease. You left lots and …

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New tactics to improve your Facebook reach

Facebook traffic: What’s the current status?

30 August 2018 | 82 Comments
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Marieke van de Rakt

Facebook is becoming less important as a source of traffic to your site. We wrote about it before, but mid August a lot of internet-sources reported that Facebook “did not care about publishers”. Joshua Benton wrote a nice and nuanced article about the matter, in which he also shared some interesting statistics. Facebook is indeed …

Read: "Facebook traffic: What’s the current status?"
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Facebook traffic: What’s the current status?

Is Facebook getting less important?

7 June 2018 | 56 Comments
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Marieke van de Rakt

Nowadays, the majority of teens use YouTube and Instagram, instead of Facebook. And, websites are now attracting more traffic from Google – organic search – than from Facebook. Statistics aren’t looking that good for Facebook. Is Facebook getting less important for companies, blogs, and websites? And what should you do about it? In this post, …

Read: "Is Facebook getting less important?"
Is Facebook getting less important?

How social image sharing works and how to optimize your og:image tags

30 April 2018 | 15 Comments
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Jono Alderson

Optimizing how your content looks when it’s shared on third-party platforms like Facebook, Twitter or WhatsApp can drive improved visibility, clickthrough, and conversions. But it’s not as simple as just picking a great social image and adding it to your page… When you share a URL on Facebook, Twitter, or other platforms, they’ll typically show …

Read: "How social image sharing works and how to optimize your og:image tags"
How social image sharing works and how to optimize your og:image tags