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Explaining SEO to your grandparents

29 August 2017 | 14 Comments
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Marieke van de Rakt

How do you explain SEO to people who don’t know the first thing about it? What is SEO really about? Before anyone accuses me of discriminating against the elderly, the title of this post is only a figure of speech. Joost’s 90-year old grandmother knows exactly what SEO is, while some of our 30-something friends …

Read: "Explaining SEO to your grandparents"
Explaining SEO to your grandparents

Case study: SEO for a quality brand

11 August 2017 | 39 Comments
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Meike Hendriks

With our Ask Yoast case studies we helped clients with their SEO by reviewing the website and giving clear advice and hands-on tips. Those clients send us their website because they’re curious what improvements can be made to improve the overall rankings. This time, we reviewed the website of a high-quality sun protection brand: Calypso. …

Read: "Case study: SEO for a quality brand"
Case study: SEO for a quality brand

Case study: SEO for architect websites

13 July 2017 | 11 Comments
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Meike Hendriks

In this Ask Yoast case study: the website of Slemish Design Studio Architects, the business site of an architect duo. The architects told us that they get great responses from their clients, but is their website optimized for search engines as well? We’ll dive into this architectural website to see what improvements can be made …

Read: "Case study: SEO for architect websites"
Case study: SEO for architect websites

Case study: SEO of a photographer’s site

13 June 2017 | 15 Comments
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Meike Hendriks

Writing about SEO is easier than implementing best practices on a website yourself. Every site is different and every type of site presents its own challenge. We know that, and that’s why we started our Yoast Case studies, in which we scrutinize an existing site and give the owner practical advice on how to optimize it. In this third case study: …

Read: "Case study: SEO of a photographer’s site"
Case study: SEO of a photographer’s site

Meta keywords: why we don’t use them – and neither should you

17 May 2017 Davey Smeekens

You would think this post would be redundant by now: people know that the meta keyword tag is useless nowadays, right? Yet we still see site owners using meta keywords on their websites and, according to Google Trends, people are still searching for meta keywords, although there seem to be fewer queries than some years …

Read: "Meta keywords: why we don’t use them – and neither should you"
Meta keywords: why we don’t use them – and neither should you

SEO for B2B and B2C – what are the differences?

28 April 2017 | 18 Comments
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Willemien Hallebeek

Business to Business (B2B) marketing is often different from Business to Consumer (B2C) marketing thanks to the elaborate buying processes, narrow markets and more complex products and services of a B2B website. In this article about B2B SEO, I’ll compare the two and explain what that means for your B2B website and SEO. When reading …

Read: "SEO for B2B and B2C – what are the differences?"
SEO for B2B and B2C – what are the differences?

Case study: SEO of an online shop

21 April 2017 | 12 Comments
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Marieke van de Rakt

SEO can be really complicated! How do you start with improving the structure of a site? How do you write amazing and SEO-friendly articles? To help all of you with your SEO strategy, I’m writing a series of Ask Yoast case studies. In these case studies, I’ll take a look at a specific site (the owner knows …

Read: "Case study: SEO of an online shop"
Case study: SEO of an online shop

Case study: SEO of a mom blog

6 April 2017 | 11 Comments
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Marieke van de Rakt

SEO can be a rather complicated and abstract thing. What exactly do we mean by increasing keyword density? How do you start with improving the structure of a site? That’s why I’m going to write a series of Ask Yoast case studies. In these case studies, I’ll take a look at a specific site (the owner …

Read: "Case study: SEO of a mom blog"
Case study: SEO of a mom blog

My post ranks, but I don’t get any traffic

7 February 2017 | 9 Comments
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Marieke van de Rakt

You did everything you were supposed to do. You wrote an awesome blog post, and the post actually ranks high in the search engines. Perhaps you even made it rank in a number one position. And you’re quite proud of your performance. Your deception is huge when your number 1 post doesn’t attract any traffic to …

Read: "My post ranks, but I don’t get any traffic"
My post ranks, but I don’t get any traffic