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The stale cornerstone content filter: keep your core content fresh!

12 March 2019 | 3 Comments Edwin Toonen

Sometimes it’s the little things that count. The SEO analysis introduced in Yoast SEO 10.0 comes with a new feature for Premium users: the stale cornerstone content filter. This handy little tool monitors the posts you’ve marked as cornerstone content and warns you if you haven’t updated them for six months. As you know, cornerstone …

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The stale cornerstone content filter: keep your core content fresh!

How to use storytelling in a blog post

7 March 2019 | 9 Comments
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Marieke van de Rakt

People like reading stories. Stories are a great way to captivate your audience. But how do you use stories in a blog post? And, how do you come up with ideas? In a previous post, I wrote about why you should use storytelling. In this post, I’ll give you 6 tips on how to start …

Read: "How to use storytelling in a blog post"
How to use storytelling in a blog post

Photography SEO: How to optimize your images

6 March 2019
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Michiel Heijmans

Have you read my post on image SEO? On that post, I got this comment from Jerry, a professional photographer: “In galleries, do you have any suggestions about what the ALT text should look like? The main concern is that we don’t want to be perceived as keyword spamming; using the same keyword in all the …

Read: "Photography SEO: How to optimize your images"
Photography SEO: How to optimize your images

Blog SEO: add and maintain categories on your blog!

20 February 2019 | 10 Comments
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Marieke van de Rakt

If you write an amazing blog post, you’d like it to help in the ranking of your site, right? If you create awesome content, you’d like people to read it now, but also to be able to find it and read it later. What’s more, you want new visitors on your site to read your …

Read: "Blog SEO: add and maintain categories on your blog!"
Blog SEO: add and maintain categories on your blog!

What type of content should a cornerstone article be?

31 January 2019 | 6 Comments
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Marieke van de Rakt

Cornerstone content is a crucial aspect of your SEO strategy, as it’ll help you rank for your most competitive keywords. In a nutshell, it means you create a handful of comprehensive, superbly written articles and optimize them for your most important keywords. Then, you link to these awesome articles in other pages and blogs, which …

Read: "What type of content should a cornerstone article be?"
What type of content should a cornerstone article be?

What are long-tail keywords?

13 December 2018 | 7 Comments
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Willemien Hallebeek

“If you want your posts to rank, you should write about long-tail keywords”. You’ve probably seen this common SEO advice before. But what do we mean by long-tail keywords? And why should you write about them? Here, we’ll explain what long-tail keywords are and how they can help you rank. Including examples! What are long-tail keywords? …

Read: "What are long-tail keywords?"
What are long-tail keywords?

On Google’s related entities patent: Write awesome posts!

24 October 2018 | 2 Comments
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Marieke van de Rakt

Perhaps you’ve read about the related entities patent which was recently granted to Google, or perhaps you haven’t yet. You should read Dave Davies post about it on Search Engine Land and find out more about it. The related entities patent gives us valuable insights into how Google identifies relationships between content. It was a …

Read: "On Google’s related entities patent: Write awesome posts!"
On Google’s related entities patent: Write awesome posts!

Google at 20: Journeys, AI-driven results and visual search

26 September 2018 | 13 Comments Edwin Toonen

It’s hard to imagine a life without a search engine that knows what it’s doing. I remember the days of AltaVista and co, search engines that just dump random pages on you for every given query. I was so excited to see Google enter the scene and immediately do everything right — the results were …

Read: "Google at 20: Journeys, AI-driven results and visual search"
Google at 20: Journeys, AI-driven results and visual search

Check your image search traffic in Google Analytics

24 September 2018 | 4 Comments
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Annelieke van den Berg

I’m a visual thinker; I love looking at images. If I think about my search behavior, I catch myself looking at images quite often, for instance when I want to know what city X looks like. Or if I’m looking for a product I’ve seen somewhere, without knowing the brand or where I can buy …

Read: "Check your image search traffic in Google Analytics"
Check your image search traffic in Google Analytics