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Yoast SEO 15.1: Keyword research with SEMrush

14 October 2020 | 74 Comments Edwin Toonen

Wouldn’t it be cool if you could get keyword data while working on your content in Yoast SEO? Well, we asked ourselves that same question and now we have an answer! Yes, you can now find related keyphrases inside the post editor. And it’s not any old data — no, it’s powered by our good …

Read: "Yoast SEO 15.1: Keyword research with SEMrush"
Yoast SEO 15.1: Keyword research with SEMrush

SEO tips for non-profit organizations

6 October 2020 | 4 Comments
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Marieke van de Rakt

SEO is important for every website that wants to attract traffic. SEO for non-profits, in that regard, isn’t that different from SEO for other businesses. For non-profits -often struggling to make ends meet- it can be a cheap and effective way of attracting traffic. Making sure your website is findable in the search engines increases …

Read: "SEO tips for non-profit organizations"
SEO tips for non-profit organizations

Blog post structure: How to set up an easy-to-read text

30 September 2020 | 9 Comments
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Marieke van de Rakt

When blogging, it pays dividends to lay out the structure of your piece before you begin writing. The structure is the skeleton of your text and preparing it has multiple benefits. Firstly, it’s easier to write a text when your structure is already there. Secondly, a clear structure helps the reader to easily read your …

Read: "Blog post structure: How to set up an easy-to-read text"
Blog post structure: How to set up an easy-to-read text

Increase blog engagement: 8 tips to boost shares and comments

23 September 2020 | 23 Comments
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Marieke van de Rakt

Do you want your readers to engage with your blog? Want them to comment and share your post on social media? Want them to come back to your blog and read your next post? Then you want to increase your blog engagement. In this post, I’ll explain what this is, why it’s important for SEO …

Read: "Increase blog engagement: 8 tips to boost shares and comments"
Increase blog engagement: 8 tips to boost shares and comments

Sliders suck and should be banned from your website

10 September 2020
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Thijs de Valk

Five years ago, we wrote about why we really don’t like sliders. We still don’t like sliders. If your theme forces you to include a slider (also named carousels) on your homepage, please realize that it’s making you use a feature that has no value for SEO. A feature that is probably slowing down your site …

Read: "Sliders suck and should be banned from your website"
Sliders suck and should be banned from your website

How to duplicate a post in WordPress, plus 4 reasons why!

10 September 2020 | 10 Comments
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Willemien Hallebeek

If you write content in WordPress, duplicating a post can come in quite handy. It can save you a lot of valuable time to clone a post and adjust the content, instead of starting from scratch with every post you write. Fortunately, cloning a post becomes very easy with the Yoast Duplicate post plugin. In …

Read: "How to duplicate a post in WordPress, plus 4 reasons why!"
How to duplicate a post in WordPress, plus 4 reasons why!

How many internal links does a post have? Find out the easy way!

2 September 2020 | 39 Comments
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Marieke van de Rakt

Do you wonder how often you link to a certain post? Or how many outgoing links it has? If you don’t, you should. Because if you want a post to rank, you should link to it from related content. And, if it’s an important post, you should link to it more often. But how do …

Read: "How many internal links does a post have? Find out the easy way!"
How many internal links does a post have? Find out the easy way!

Set up cornerstone content and get it ranking in 6 steps

26 August 2020 | 5 Comments
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Marieke van de Rakt

On your site, you’ll probably have a few articles that are most dear to your heart. Articles you desperately want people to read. Articles you want people to find in Google. At Yoast, we call these articles your cornerstone articles. How does the Yoast SEO plugin help you set up a cornerstone content strategy? We’ll …

Read: "Set up cornerstone content and get it ranking in 6 steps"
Set up cornerstone content and get it ranking in 6 steps

Related posts in WordPress: make sure to suggest the best

20 August 2020 | 11 Comments
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Willemien Hallebeek

Showing related posts below your post are a great way to keep visitors on your website. That’s why lots of site owners already use related posts to reduce the number of visitors that leave their site after reading an article. You could say that a related posts section is the glue that binds posts together. But …

Read: "Related posts in WordPress: make sure to suggest the best"
Related posts in WordPress: make sure to suggest the best