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Recent Content SEO articles

Contact page examples: What makes a great contact page?

24 March 2021 | 2 Comments Edwin Toonen

In this post, we’ll go over a number of contact page examples, so you’ll be able to review your own contact page and improve it. For a lot of companies, that contact page is the main reason they have a website in the first place. For others, the contact page filters or manages all incoming …

Read: "Contact page examples: What makes a great contact page?"
Contact page examples: What makes a great contact page?

Google’s knowledge panel: What is it and how to get one?

18 March 2021 | 2 Comments
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Marieke van de Rakt

Google’s knowledge panel is the block you’ll find on the right side of your screen in the search results. Nowadays, you’ll see it for a lot of queries. It presents the results of Google’s Knowledge Graph, which can be seen as an engine connecting all kinds of data Google finds online. If you have a …

Read: "Google’s knowledge panel: What is it and how to get one?"
Google’s knowledge panel: What is it and how to get one?

How to measure the success of your content SEO strategy?

9 March 2021 | 12 Comments
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Marieke van de Rakt

If you want to measure your content SEO strategy’s success, you first need to establish your goals. What’s the purpose of your strategy? Do you want higher rankings? More traffic? To evaluate your content SEO strategy, you should identify what success means to you! Once you’ve established your goals, you can measure the success of …

Read: "How to measure the success of your content SEO strategy?"
How to measure the success of your content SEO strategy?

Blog post images: Why use them and where to get them

4 March 2021 | 18 Comments
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Marieke van de Rakt

When you think of a blog post, you’re probably picturing a page with lots of written text on it. Which isn’t wrong. In the early days of blogging, most blog posts were just that. Lots of written text. Without too much design to it or images to break the text up. Nowadays, most of us …

Read: "Blog post images: Why use them and where to get them"
Blog post images: Why use them and where to get them

Blog or vlog, which one is better?

24 February 2021
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Marieke van de Rakt

A great blog or an entertaining vlog helps you attract people to your site. Both also allow you to engage with your audience, increase brand awareness and show your expertise. That’s because you can use blogs and vlogs to dive into a certain topic related to your site or business. So which one is better? …

Read: "Blog or vlog, which one is better?"
Blog or vlog, which one is better?

Improving the content SEO fitness of your website

11 February 2021 | 3 Comments
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Marieke van de Rakt

Sites get bigger. We keep on adding content but tend to forget to clean up. As the web grows older, more and more sites are growing older and bigger as well. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. Google loves authority, so being around for a long time pays off. However, your website does need to …

Read: "Improving the content SEO fitness of your website"
Improving the content SEO fitness of your website

How to plan an SEO campaign for higher rankings

25 January 2021 | 27 Comments
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Marieke van de Rakt

A new year asks for a new and improved content SEO strategy! Are you also pumped and full of plans to improve your SEO strategy and start a brand new SEO campaign? In this post, I’ll tell you just how to set up a content SEO campaign and quickly improve your chances to outrank your …

Read: "How to plan an SEO campaign for higher rankings"
How to plan an SEO campaign for higher rankings

How to optimize your homepage

21 January 2021 | 19 Comments Edwin Toonen

Does homepage SEO exist? We asked ourselves that in our post on homepage SEO. However, a lot of the people still feel that a homepage should be optimized for a keyword. Perhaps optimizing your homepage for search engines works for some of you, but ranking in Google should definitely not be the only purpose of your homepage! …

Read: "How to optimize your homepage"
How to optimize your homepage

Timeless SEO tips: 6 universal SEO tactics that never go out of fashion

19 January 2021 | 14 Comments
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Willemien Hallebeek

Things are always on the move in the SEO world. Google regularly updates its algorithm, and the competition is never far behind. And with the rising popularity of AI tools, the situation is changing yet again. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a list of timeless SEO improvements to focus on? We thought it might! …

Read: "Timeless SEO tips: 6 universal SEO tactics that never go out of fashion"
Timeless SEO tips: 6 universal SEO tactics that never go out of fashion

How to rewrite and republish content with Yoast Duplicate Post

14 January 2021 | 20 Comments Edwin Toonen

We all want to write the best possible content on our favorite topic. As writers, we also know that that not always happens on the first try. While you do need to deliver quality on that first try, it doesn’t hurt to dive back into published articles to updated and improve them wherever you can. …

Read: "How to rewrite and republish content with Yoast Duplicate Post"
How to rewrite and republish content with Yoast Duplicate Post