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How to build Google Web Stories in WordPress

24 June 2021 | 8 Comments Edwin Toonen

What do Instagram Stories, Facebook Stories, Snapchat Stories, and Twitter Fleets have in common? They are all so-called social media implementations of the same story idea. A story is a series of images or others types of content that belong together, and thus, tell a story. Visual storytelling is huge, and now the web has …

Read: "How to build Google Web Stories in WordPress"
How to build Google Web Stories in WordPress

A long term SEO strategy? Knowing what Google wants is the key

21 June 2021 | 6 Comments
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Amy Lees

Ranking signals, algorithm updates. One day you have the right number of keywords, the next day it’s too many. It might leave you wondering what Google wants to achieve. Or worrying what all these search changes mean for SEO in the long term. Will that change, too? Maybe you’re thinking about auditing your SEO again, …

Read: "A long term SEO strategy? Knowing what Google wants is the key"
A long term SEO strategy? Knowing what Google wants is the key

10 reasons your page won’t rank – even though it’s optimized

3 June 2021
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Marieke van de Rakt

What could be the matter if your perfectly optimized post isn’t ranking? Is the problem that your site is not on Google, or is something else going wrong? What is keeping your content from reaching that coveted #1 position? In this post, we’ll discuss ten possible reasons why your page is not ranking, even though …

Read: "10 reasons your page won’t rank – even though it’s optimized"
10 reasons your page won’t rank – even though it’s optimized

Keyword mistakes: 8 pitfalls you can easily avoid

2 June 2021 | 17 Comments
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Marieke van de Rakt

Thinking about the keywords you want to rank for is really the first and foremost step you need to take for your SEO strategy. Still, keyword research can be quite daunting. So, which keyword mistakes should you avoid at all times? In this post, I’ll take you through the most common keyword research mistakes people …

Read: "Keyword mistakes: 8 pitfalls you can easily avoid"
Keyword mistakes: 8 pitfalls you can easily avoid

SEO news in May 2021: Google introduces a new language model

This month, Google held their annual I/O conference, an event at which they announce new product releases and other interesting stuff. They introduced us to MUM, their new language model and the next step in understanding online content. But meeting (their) MUM wasn’t all. There was lots of SEO news in May 2021 and our …

Read: "SEO news in May 2021: Google introduces a new language model"
SEO news in May 2021: Google introduces a new language model

What is E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness)?

26 May 2021 Edwin Toonen

Have you ever looked at a piece of content online and thought: Hmm, I’m not sure I can trust this? Who wrote this? Why should I believe a word of what they are saying? This happens more often than you think, especially if you are looking for content you use to make decisions that can …

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What is E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness)?

How to find your niche in 4 easy steps

21 May 2021 | 24 Comments
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Willemien Hallebeek

Wondering what a niche is, and how can you find yours? Google defines a niche as: “products, services, or interests that appeal to a small, specialized section of the population”. That’s a bit abstract, but the chances are that you already have a good idea of what your niche is, and you just need to …

Read: "How to find your niche in 4 easy steps"
How to find your niche in 4 easy steps

The readability checks in Yoast SEO: a closer look with our linguists

14 May 2021 | 6 Comments
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Willemien Hallebeek

This month we are commemorating 5 years since the Yoast SEO readability check was first released! Since then, we’ve continued making improvements. We sat down with our Linguistics team lead, Manuel Augustin, and researcher-developer, Hanna Worku, to get a deeper view of how the readability check works and how they adapt the tool to add …

Read: "The readability checks in Yoast SEO: a closer look with our linguists"
The readability checks in Yoast SEO: a closer look with our linguists

4 creative writing exercises to improve your writing

12 May 2021 | 18 Comments
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Fleur Heesen

Creating content is essential for SEO. However, if you’re a blogger or content creator of some kind, chances are that you feel stuck from time to time. You’ve made the time to write, but nothing comes to mind. A writer’s block. This is where creative writing exercises can help: they give your brain the space …

Read: "4 creative writing exercises to improve your writing"
4 creative writing exercises to improve your writing

5 years of writing readable content with Yoast SEO

Writing seems simple enough, but writing a compelling text that keeps the attention is quite hard. Especially online. To keep people on your page, you need to write quality content that’s easy to read. Easier said than done? You’re absolutely right. That’s why we introduced a readability analysis in our Yoast SEO plugin five years …

Read: "5 years of writing readable content with Yoast SEO"
5 years of writing readable content with Yoast SEO