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SEO news in March 2021: A rise in Google’s zero-click searches

There was quite a bit of discussion about a study that said that nearly 65% of Google searches in 2020 did not result in a click. This is one of the topics that our resident SEO experts Joost de Valk and Jono Alderson talked about in this month’s webinar. Want to know what they had …

Read: "SEO news in March 2021: A rise in Google’s zero-click searches"
SEO news in March 2021: A rise in Google’s zero-click searches

Mobile parity: does your site offer a singular experience?

26 March 2021 | 7 Comments Edwin Toonen

You might have heard the term parity before in SEO, specifically mobile parity. It all comes down to one thing: you should see your site as a single thing. You shouldn’t have a ‘mobile site,’ as distinct from a ‘desktop site.’ You should have one site — which may use CSS to display elements differently …

Read: "Mobile parity: does your site offer a singular experience?"
Mobile parity: does your site offer a singular experience?

Google’s knowledge panel: What is it and how to get one?

18 March 2021 | 2 Comments
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Marieke van de Rakt

Google’s knowledge panel is the block you’ll find on the right side of your screen in the search results. Nowadays, you’ll see it for a lot of queries. It presents the results of Google’s Knowledge Graph, which can be seen as an engine connecting all kinds of data Google finds online. If you have a …

Read: "Google’s knowledge panel: What is it and how to get one?"
Google’s knowledge panel: What is it and how to get one?

How to write a mission statement for your site

11 January 2021 | 12 Comments
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Marieke van de Rakt

Having a site for your business is quite common nowadays. Chances are that you’ve also created one to make sure that people can find and contact you online. But have you really thought about the goal of your website? And is this reflected in the structure and content of your site? Writing a mission statement …

Read: "How to write a mission statement for your site"
How to write a mission statement for your site

What is content marketing?

22 December 2020 | 5 Comments
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Marieke van de Rakt

Content marketing consists of all marketing activities that focus on the creation and sharing of information. If you’re serious about your SEO, it should definitely be part of your strategy. But nowadays, it’s also crucial for branding. Sharing valuable information is a great way to attract an audience and show them that you’re an expert in what …

Read: "What is content marketing?"
What is content marketing?

Instagram for your business: a guide to getting started

Last month, Instagram celebrated its 10th birthday. During this decade, it has grown from a ‘Facebook for teenagers’ to an established social media platform used all over the world. And no, these users are not just teenagers anymore. Instagram is a great platform to come into contact and strengthen your relationship with your audience. In …

Read: "Instagram for your business: a guide to getting started"
Instagram for your business: a guide to getting started

SEO tips for non-profit organizations

6 October 2020 | 4 Comments
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Marieke van de Rakt

SEO is important for every website that wants to attract traffic. SEO for non-profits, in that regard, isn’t that different from SEO for other businesses. For non-profits -often struggling to make ends meet- it can be a cheap and effective way of attracting traffic. Making sure your website is findable in the search engines increases …

Read: "SEO tips for non-profit organizations"
SEO tips for non-profit organizations

Low-budget branding tips for small businesses

15 September 2020 | 15 Comments Edwin Toonen

Over the years, we’ve written quite a few articles about branding. Branding is about getting people to relate to your company and products. It’s also about making your brand synonymous with a product or service. This can be a lengthy and hard project. It can potentially cost you all of your revenue. No wonder branding is …

Read: "Low-budget branding tips for small businesses"
Low-budget branding tips for small businesses

Positioning your store in the online market

10 August 2020 | 7 Comments
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Michiel Heijmans

Successful positioning adds value to your store and gives you a head start on the competition. Positioning is the art of standing out, distinguishing your business from others in the mind of your audience. You can stand out with high product quality, great service, low prices, or dedicated care for the environment. But it’s important to communicate this position to your target group, …

Read: "Positioning your store in the online market"
Positioning your store in the online market

Audience research: pro tips to get started by Els Aerts

15 April 2020 | 2 Comments
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Willemien Hallebeek

Proper audience research is key in maintaining and growing your customer base. So, how do you go about doing this research and how do you make sure you ask your audience the right questions? We asked expert Els Aerts, partner at AGConsult, to walk us through the process and give us a few tips on …

Read: "Audience research: pro tips to get started by Els Aerts"
Audience research: pro tips to get started by Els Aerts