Does Yoast SEO for Shopify recognize my language?

Even the best content writers need some helpful tools to improve their online texts to make them readable. But, most of the software is geared towards the English language. So, what if you want to write in another language? You’ve come to the right place! Yoast SEO for Shopify offers a readability and SEO analysis for a host of other languages!

The benefits of language recognition in Yoast SEO for Shopify

  • Write readable texts in your native language
  • Use multiple forms of your keyphrase, in your mother tongue
  • Link your posts together to create an outstanding site structure

Why is language recognition important?

SEO tools focus heavily on language. To optimize your content, you need keyphrase analysis, and there is also a ton that goes into readability. Of course, each language is unique, so the analysis needs to be tailored to each language’s specifics. With Yoast SEO for Shopify, you can be sure that you have all the essential SEO aspects covered, even if your primary language is not English. 

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Yoast SEO helps rank your online store

Unlock powerful features and much more for your Shopify site with the Yoast SEO app!

✅ Rank high in the search results with your chosen keyphrase

Users search for keyphrases in Google. Your content needs to be the best result for that keyphrase in order to rank. Of course, it’s not as simple as just using that keyphrase. To rank, you need to place it in all the right spots through the text, and for instance, be careful not to use too much or too little of it. Yoast SEO for Shopify helps you by analyzing your keyphrase use. The best part? The app can do that in almost any language! Yoast SEO for Shopify can even recognize your keyphrase in three right-to-left languages: Arabic, Hebrew, and Farsi!

✔ Available in: All left-to-right languages, as well as Arabic,  Hebrew, and Farsi (Persian).

✅ Make your texts engaging and more natural with different forms of your keyword

Yoast SEO for Shopify supports word form recognition in various languages. That means that Yoast SEO for Shopify can recognize your keyword’s singular and plural forms (example: cookie, cookies). It also recognizes different forms of words (bake, baking, baked, bakes). That is important because it allows you to write engaging texts for your audience. Search engines also appreciate it a lot if you don’t over-optimize for just one form of your keyword.

✔ Available in: English, German, Dutch, Spanish, French, Russian, Italian, Indonesian, Portuguese, Polish, Swedish, Norwegian, Turkish, Czech, Hebrew, Arabic, Slovak, Greek, Hungarian and Japanese.

✅ Write readable texts that both your audience and search engines appreciate

Easy to read texts can be hard to write. That’s why it’s good to have a helping hand. Yoast SEO for Shopify analyzes the readability of your texts by looking at transition words, use of passive voice, reading ease (with the Flesch reading ease score), sentence length, and sentence beginnings. When all of these aspects are done right, you get smoothly readable texts. You don’t have to wonder if your text is clear and readable. We give you the feedback, so you know right away! 

✔ Available in: English, German, Dutch, Spanish, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Polish, Swedish, Hungarian, Indonesian, Czech, Arabic, Hebrew, Turkish, Norwegian, Greek, Japanese, and Slovak.

How does it work? Automatically!

We work hard, so you don’t have to! So, if you set your Shopify site to your preferred language (that we support), Yoast SEO for Shopify will automatically do the analysis for that language

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Yoast SEO helps rank your online store

Unlock powerful features and much more for your Shopify site with the Yoast SEO app!