SEO love

In this series, we talk about why your website needs some SEO love every once in a while. In every post, we’ll share practical tips that will help you work on different aspects of your website and SEO. So keep your website and your site visitors happy and let’s spread that SEO love!

How to write an SEO-friendly introduction for a blog post

21 February 2024 Cindy Paul

What is the most important part of a post? The first paragraph! It’s the introduction of your article, and tells your audience what your post is about. But the first paragraph is also important to Google. That’s why you should give it extra attention. In this blog post, we’ll explain why an SEO-friendly introduction is so important, and give practical …

Read: "How to write an SEO-friendly introduction for a blog post"
How to write an SEO-friendly introduction for a blog post

How to write clear and SEO-friendly paragraphs

5 January 2023
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Marieke van de Rakt

Crafting clear and correct paragraphs isn’t just about aesthetics. You shouldn’t put whitespace in your content just to make it look nicer. Paragraphs are actually a vital ingredient for readability, for both your readers and Google. So in order to create great content, you’ll need to give your paragraphs some extra SEO love! In this …

Read: "How to write clear and SEO-friendly paragraphs"
How to write clear and SEO-friendly paragraphs

How to write an SEO-friendly conclusion

2 February 2022 | 8 Comments
Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /home/staging-yoast/ on line 39
Marieke van de Rakt

Does that very last paragraph even matter? Do you need to think about SEO at all if you’re writing a conclusion? Well… yes you do! That last paragraph is a very important one for your readers. And whatever is important for your readers, is important for Google as well! But why is a concluding paragraph …

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How to write an SEO-friendly conclusion

How to start a blog

5 January 2022 | 6 Comments
Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /home/staging-yoast/ on line 39
Marieke van de Rakt

A blog is a great marketing tool. It might feel like an ‘old-school thing’, but it’s still a really strong SEO tool in 2022. Google just loves great content! So if you’re thinking about starting a blog, I only have one thing to say: go for it! Let’s make 2022 the year in which you …

Read: "How to start a blog"
How to start a blog

Why you should add links to a new post as soon as possible

2 December 2021 | 5 Comments
Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /home/staging-yoast/ on line 39
Marieke van de Rakt

You write these beautiful blog posts. You put a lot of effort into them. However, it can take a while for Google to pick up on your new blog posts and show them in the search results. So is there any way to speed up that process? Well, links to your post can help. It …

Read: "Why you should add links to a new post as soon as possible"
Why you should add links to a new post as soon as possible

Your website needs SEO maintenance!

2 December 2021
Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /home/staging-yoast/ on line 39
Marieke van de Rakt

In order for a website to be successful, you need to have traffic going to it. You need an audience! That’s why SEO is so very important. Unfortunately, a lot of aspects of SEO are hard work. Kind of boring even. And although these SEO tasks can be boring, your website needs you to execute them. Your website needs SEO love. I am …

Read: "Your website needs SEO maintenance!"
Your website needs SEO maintenance!