Do you like accessories as much as we do? Then this is your category! Take the fancy Yoast umbrellas for example, perfect for rainy days. Also, since we care about sustainability, we decided to make bags from large conference banners. Curious to see what these look like? Check it out below!

Dutch clogs
From the Netherlands with love: Yoast clogs! When our remote support engineers came to the Netherlands for YoastCamp (2019) they all received a “thank you” gift, which was a tiny clog. They were so well received, that we customized Yoast clogs especially for WordCamp US as well! [2019]

YoastCon goodie bags
Who doesn’t like a goodie bag? We create goodie bags for every YoastCon, paying particular attention to the sustainability of our goodies in it! [2019]

“Start a conversation” buttons
Starting a conversation with a stranger can be difficult. At YoastCon 2019 people could pick up those buttons to add to the lanyard we gave them, to let people know what topics they’d like to chat about. [2019]

The Yoast fan
It was a hot summer and we needed to cool down a little bit. Wait, how about a fan? A hand fan, easy to use and doesn’t take a lot of space. Yes, that is a great idea. Let’s share it with our amazing community! [2018]

Shopping bag
What a lovely way to go green! We needed shopping bags to share and put our awesome goodies in, and these became very loved. Many people still ask us if we brought them with us. These bags come in green and purple and can be re-used any time, which makes them sustainable! Probably a lot of colleagues would say they come across one in every other bag. [2018]

Sports bag
The focus in our local sponsorship is on youth. That’s why we sponsor various local sports teams, including these awesome sports bags for the handball club! [2017]

YoastCon bags
During YoastCon 2017, a large banner was placed on one of the towers of the venue of the event in Nijmegen. We were looking for ways to recycle the materials we only use once. That’s when we came up with the idea to make bags out of the banners. The bags were produced at a social workplace. [2017]

Our Yoast umbrella is perfect for rainy days! Due to great success we now even have 3 variations. Always handy to grab one of these umbrellas during the rainy days in The Netherlands! [2017]

Laptop bag
Receiving your very own Yoast laptop means you also need a bag to carry it with you! That’s why most of our colleagues now have a nice and handy laptop bag, so they won’t have to worry finding a suitable bag anymore. Many of us have attached something to it, so that they can recognize it better when they’re at party or meeting after work! [2017]

YoastCon 5th-anniversary bag
These fashionable canvas bags were handed out upon the arrival of YoastCon 2015. And of course, they weren’t all empty! They were filled by our colleague Karin with some nice goodies. Karin still loves to use the bag! [2015]

Avatar bags
Our design team had a lot of fun together, coming up with quotes of employees for whom we made these bags. Some quotes were easy to find, but for many others they had to look through their social media and chat conversations to find something funny. [2014]