What to do when Facebook sharing is not working correctly

There are a number of reasons that sharing on Facebook fails to display correctly. Facebook’s debug tool will provide you with a lot of information that might help narrow down the issue and allows you to flush Facebook’s cache for a specific page to ensure Facebook sees the most current metadata.

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If you’ve updated your social settings or metadata for an article and aren’t getting the right details on Facebook yet, you might need to force update Facebook’s cache of that page. To do that, go to the Facebook debug tool, enter the URL you wish to update, and click the “Scrape again” button.

  1. Go to Facebook’s Sharing Debugger.

  2. Enter the URL you wish to update.

  3. Click ‘Debug’. 

  4. Click ‘Scrape Again’.

    Under ‘When and how we last scraped the URL”, click ‘Scrape Again’.

  5. Look at the updated ‘Link Preview’.

    If this is correct, you’re done.

    If not, check the ‘Warnings That Should Be Fixed’ section for any errors. Fix errors and repeat these steps.

    If there are no warnings to be fixed, click on ‘Show All Raw Tags’ to review the actual information Facebook received. If the tags are incorrect, run a conflict check.

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