Transition words in your language

The readability analysis in the Yoast SEO plugin comes with a transition words check. This check assesses whether you use enough transition words throughout your text. In this article, we’ve listed examples of transition words in the various languages we support.


The transition words check is available in English. See the list below for examples of transition words in English.

Single wordsMultiple wordsTwo parts
accordinglyabove allboth … and
additionallyafter allif … then
afterwardafter thatnot only … but also
afterwardsall in allneither … nor
albeitall of a suddenwhether … or
alsoall things consideredno sooner … than
althoughanalogous to
altogetheralthough this may be true
anotheranother key point
basicallyas a matter of fact
becauseas a result
beforeas an illustration
besidesas can be seen
butas has been noted
certainlyas I have noted
chieflyas I have said
comparativelyas I have shown
concurrentlyas long as
consequentlyas much as
contrarilyas shown above
converselyas soon as
correspondinglyas well as
despiteat any rate
doubtedlyat first
duringat last least
earlierat length
emphaticallyat the present time
equallyat the same time
especiallyat this instant
eventuallyat this point
evidentlyat this time
explicitlybalanced against
finallybeing that
firstlyby all means
followingby and large
formerlyby comparison
forthwithby the same token
fourthlyby the time
furthercompared to
furthermorebe that as it may
generallycoupled with
hencedifferent from
henceforthdue to
howeverequally important
i.e.even if
identicallyeven more
indeedeven so
insteadeven though
lastfirst thing to remember
lastlyfor example
laterfor fear that
lestfor instance
likewisefor one thing
markedlyfor that reason
meanwhilefor the most part
moreoverfor the purpose of
neverthelessfor the same reason
nonethelessfor this purpose
norfor this reason
notwithstandingfrom time to time
obviouslygiven that
occasionallygiven these points
otherwiseimportant to realize
onceonce in a while
overallin a word
particularlyin addition
presentlyin another case
previouslyin any case
ratherin any event
regardlessin brief
secondlyin case
shortlyin conclusion
significantlyin contrast
similarlyin detail
simultaneouslyin due time
sincein effect
soin either case
soonin essence
specificallyin fact
stillin general
straightawayin light of
subsequentlyin like fashion
surelyin like manner
surprisinglyin order that
thanin order to
thenin other words
thereafterin particular
thereforein reality
thereuponin short
thirdlyin similar fashion
thoughin spite of
thusin sum
tillin summary
undeniablyin that case
undoubtedlyin the event that
unlessin the final analysis
unlikein the first place
unquestionablyin the fourth place
untilin the hope that
whenin the light of
wheneverin the long run
whereasin the meantime
whilein the same fashion
in the same way
in the second place
in the third place
in this case
in this situation
in time
in truth
in view of
most compelling evidence
most important
must be remembered
not to mention
now that
of course
on account of
on balance
on condition that
on one hand
on the condition that
on the contrary
on the negative side
on the other hand
on the positive side
on the whole
on this occasion
only if
owing to
point often overlooked
prior to
provided that
seeing that
so as to
so far
so long as
so that
sooner or later
such as
summing up
take the case of
that is
that is to say
then again
this time
to be sure
to begin with
to clarify
to conclude
to demonstrate
to emphasize
to enumerate
to explain
to illustrate
to list
to point out
to put it another way
to put it differently
to repeat
to rephrase it
to say nothing of
to sum up
to summarize
to that end
to the end that
to this end
together with
under those circumstances
until now
up against
up to the present time
vis a vis
what’s more
while it may be true
while this may be true
with attention to
with the result that
with this in mind
with this intention
with this purpose in mind
with attention to
with the result that
with this in mind
with this intention
with this purpose in mind
without a doubt
without delay
without doubt
without reservation
See the full list of English transition words and two-part English transition words that Yoast SEO recognizes.


The transition words check is available in German. See the list below for examples of transition words in German.

mit anderen worten
so dass
See the full list of German transition words and two-part German transition words that Yoast SEO recognizes.


The transition words check is available in Dutch. See the list below for examples of transition words in Dutch.

net als
ter conclusie
See the full list of Dutch transition words and two-part Dutch transition words that Yoast SEO recognizes.


The transition words check is available in French. See the list below for examples of transition words in French.

si bien que
en raison de
See the full list of French transition words and two-part French transition words that Yoast SEO recognizes.


The transition words check is available in Spanish. See the list below for examples of transition words in Spanish.

a causa de
sin embargo
See the full list of Spanish transition words and two-part Spanish transition words that Yoast SEO recognizes.


The transition words check is available in Italian. See the list below for examples of transition words in Italian.

a causa
in sentesi
See the full list of Italian transition words and two-part Italian transition words that Yoast SEO recognizes.


The transition words check is available in Portuguese. See the list below for examples of transition words in Portuguese.

por causa de
em suma
See the full list of Portuguese transition words and two-part Portuguese transition words that Yoast SEO recognizes.


The transition words check is available in Russian. See the list below for examples of transition words in Russian.

потому что
в итоге
See the full list of Russian transition words and two-part Russian transition words that Yoast SEO recognizes.


The transition words check is available in Polish. See the list below for examples of transition words in Polish.

z uwagi że
w podsumowaniu
See the full list of Polish transition words and two-part Polish transition words that Yoast SEO recognizes.


The transition words check is available in Catalan. See the list below for examples of transition words in Catalan.

pel que
en a resum
See the full list of Catalan transition words and two-part Catalan transition words that Yoast SEO recognizes.


The transition words check is available in Swedish. See the list below for examples of transition words in Swedish.

i syfte att
för att sammanfatta
See the full list of Swedish transition words and two-part Swedish transition words that Yoast SEO recognizes.


The transition words check is available in Hungarian. See the list below for examples of transition words in Hungarian.

ahhoz hogy
más szóval
See the full list of Hungarian transition words and two-part Hungarian transition words that Yoast SEO recognizes.


The transition word check is also available in Arabic. See the list below for examples of transition words in Arabic.

Single wordsMultiple words
بينماعلاوة على
حيثمامن ناحية أخرى
هكذاعلى سبيل المثال
كذلكفي النهاية
كمابناء على ذلك
See the full list of Arabic transition words and two-part Arabic transition words that Yoast SEO recognizes.


The transition word check is also available in Hebrew. See the list below for examples of transition words in Hebrew.

Single wordsMultiple words
למרותלא כל שכן
בשבילכמו כן
כגוןבזמן האחרון
מלבדלטווח ארוך
מפאתלא כל שכן
See the full list of Hebrew transition words that Yoast SEO recognizes.


The transition word check is also available in Indonesian. See the list below for examples of transition words in Indonesian.

Single wordsMultiple words
berikutberbeda dari
keduakendatipun begitu
terutamanyadengan pemikiran ini
terdahulupada waktu
contohnyaseperti yang sudah dijelaskan
See the full list of Indonesian transition words that Yoast SEO recognizes.


The transition word check is also available in Turkish. See the list below for examples of transition words in Turkish.

Single wordsMultiple words
fakatdemek ki
amafarz edelim ki
çünküdolayısı ile
yüzündenbunun yanı sıra
topyekunkısaca söylecek olursak
See the full list of Turkish transition words that Yoast SEO recognizes.


The transition word check is also available in Japanese. See the list below for examples of transition words in Japanese.

See the full list of Japanese transition words that Yoast SEO recognizes.

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