Social profiles missing from Google’s Knowledge Graph

If you have a Knowledge Graph in Google, you want the information to be correct and your social profiles to show up in it. If they don’t, there are a couple of things you can do to troubleshoot.

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Check if Yoast SEO is set up correctly

First of all, check if Yoast SEO is set up correctly on this part.

  1. Log in to your WordPress site.

    When you’re logged in, you will be in your ‘Dashboard’.

  2. Click on ‘Yoast SEO’.

    On the left-hand side, you will see a menu. In that menu, click on ‘ Yoast SEO’.
    Screenshot of the "Yoast SEO" menu item.

  3. Click on ‘Settings’.

    The ‘Yoast SEO’ settings will expand, providing you with additional options. Click on ‘Settings’.

    Screenshot of the settings menu item in Yoast SEO

  4. Click ‘Site connections’ and make sure your site is verified with Google.

    In the Yoast SEO settings, click ‘Site connections’. There, make sure your site is verified with Google.
    Screenshot of the 'Site connections' menu item in the Yoast SEO settings.

  5. Click on ‘Site representation.

    Click ‘Site representation’ in the Yoast SEO settings menu.
    Screenshot showing the site representation menu item

  6. Make sure you’ve filled in the correct site representation details.

    Make sure you’ve selected whether your site represents an organization or a person. Also, fill in the fields in the ‘Organization’/’Personal info’ category.
    Screenshot of the 'Site representation' settings in Yoast SEO.

  7. Scroll down to ‘Other profiles’ and link your social profiles to your site.

    Fill in the profile URLs to link the social profiles to your site. Does your site represent a person? Read this article to find out how to add social profiles when your site represents a person.
    Screenshot of the 'Other profiles' section in the Site representation settings in Yoast SEO.

Still no luck? Then you might need to make a bit more of an effort.

Become an official representative

As an official representative, Google allows you to make suggestions to edit your Knowledge Graph. To become a representative, follow the steps laid out in Google’s get verified on Google article. Once you’re an official representative, it’s easy to suggest changes. As Google states there, “Eligible entities will be able to suggest the addition of new, or edit existing, social profiles. Profiles cannot be reordered”.

Using custom mark-up?

If, for some reason, you’re not using Yoast SEO’s schema implementation or unable to verify as an official representative, it’s important to double-check that your custom markup is well-formed and can be processed by Google using Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool. When Google next crawls the page, its indexing algorithms will process the profiles from your markup and make them eligible to be used in search results. You can ask Google to crawl the page by following the instructions here. Please note that this process may take up to a week.

If everything looks correct, and you have waited at least one week since your marked-up page was last crawled by Google, report the missing events using the small “Feedback” link under the Knowledge Graph panel in Google search. Click “Wrong?” on your company’s name and explain the problem, being sure to use the term “social profiles” in your description of the problem.

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