How do I change the WooCommerce shop page meta data?

You can change the SEO title or meta description for your WooCommerce shop page directly in the Google preview on the WooCommerce shop page. To change the breadcrumb title, please follow these steps.

  1. Log in to your WordPress website.

    When you’re logged in, you will be in your ‘Dashboard’.

  2. Click on ‘Yoast SEO’.

    On the left-hand side, you will see a menu. In that menu, click on ‘Yoast SEO’.

  3. Click on ‘Settings’.

    The ‘Yoast SEO’ settings will expand providing you with additional options. Click on ‘Settings’.
    Screenshot of the settings menu item in Yoast SEO

  4. Click on ‘Content types’ and then ‘Products’.

    You will see an additional menu on the left. First, click on ‘Content types’. Then, click ‘Products’.
    Screenshot showing. the products menu item in the Yoast SEO settings

  5. Click the ‘Shop page’ link at the bottom of the page.

    Scroll down to the bottom of the page. Below the heading ‘Products archive’, you will see the link ‘Shop page’. Click the link to edit your shop page.

  6. Open the Yoast SEO sidebar.

    Click the Yoast SEO icon to open the Yoast SEO sidebar.

  7. Click the ‘Google preview’ heading.

    A modal window will open.

  8. Add or change the SEO title and meta description.

    You can type directly into the input fields, and/or you can click the buttons to insert snippet variables.

  9. Return to your page and then click ‘Update’.

    First, click the button to ‘Return to your page’. Then, click the ‘Update’ button.

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