Granting a Yoast member access to Google Search Console

In rare cases, we may ask you to grant us access to your Google Search Console property. Each team at Yoast has a shared Google account so a team member must provide you with the email address for their team. Please remember to remove our access once your question has been answered.

How to add a user to your Google Search Console property

Below we’ll show you the steps to adding a user to your Google Search Console property. Before we do please note that Google Search Console properties can have a maximum of 100 full or restricted users.

  1. Open Google Search Console’s user admin

  2. Select a verified property

    The property should match your preferred URL format including http or https and www or non-www because Google treats each format as separate but related properties. If your preferred URL format is not listed, add your preferred URL format to Google Search Console (formerly Google Webmaster Tools) by following the steps here.

  3. Click ‘Settings’ on the left-hand side

  4. Click ‘Users and permissions’

  5. Click ‘Add a new user’ on the top right

  6. Enter the email address provided to you by a Yoast team member.

  7. Selected ‘Full’ under the permission dropdown.

    Why ‘Full’ permissions?

  8. Click ‘Add’.

Change Existing User Permissions

  1. Open Google Search Console’s user admin
  2. Select the verified property that matches your preferred URL format including http or https and www or non-www because Google treats each format as separate but related properties.
  3. Click on the permission drop down and select ‘Full’ for the email address provided to you from a Yoast team member. The change is made immediately. Why ‘Full’ permissions?

Permission Levels

Google has different account roles so you can give different permission levels to each user. We ask for ‘Full’ access because it allows us to make changes like submitting the sitemap and using the ‘Fetch as Google’ tool. If you would prefer to handle changes, you can provide us with ‘Restricted’ permissions.

The full list of permissions for each role is listed here.

Do you need to remove a user? You can find instructions on how to do that in this help article

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