Error: The text contains 0 words.

Sometimes, the Yoast SEO metabox displays the following error, even if you have actually written some content:

The text contains 0 words. This is far below the recommended minimum of 300 words. Add more content that is relevant for the topic.

In most cases, this is caused by a third-party page builder that you are using. Not every page builder allows us to see the content within the page builder, which bypasses the default editor. In that case, our plugin can’t see the words, so it is unable to analyze them.


Add content to the default editor and the word count will update automatically.

If you’re using a page builder that does not share its content, please contact their development team to request compatibility with the Yoast SEO analysis. They can learn more about this functionality here.

In most cases, search engines can still see and analyze your content. If you are unable to pass your content into our analysis, you may decide to disable the SEO analysis.

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