I studied Applied Mathematics at the Southern Federal University (formerly Rostov State University) in Rostov-on-Don, Russia.
I have a passion for open source, which started with contributing documentation and bug fixes for a popular file manager in 2002. While creating some websites for my university, I’ve discovered a growing web publishing software called WordPress, which quickly grabbed my attention due to its simplicity, extensibility, and an amazing community. Giving back to the community was a natural thing for me, so I’ve started translating WordPress into Russian, answering questions on support forums, and participating in core development.
I’ve joined Yoast in July 2015, and since then I’m working on WordPress full time as a core committer and an active member of several other teams: Polyglots (which translates WordPress into 200+ languages), Support (which helps users to find answers to their questions), and Meta (which manages the WordPress.org network). I’m also a frequent speaker at WordPress conferences, called WordCamps, in Russia and Europe.
In my spare time, I enjoy listening to music, playing guitar or keyboards, watching movies, going for a walk or a bike ride, repairing all kinds of things.