Avatar of Klara Cvitko

Klara Cvitko

I am an SEO specialist dedicated to delivering the best user experience and sharing our expertise in search engine optimization. 

You can find Klara on: Linkedin

I have a background in digital content management, marketing and SEO. I have a passion for data and research – yes, I’m the person who Googles everything immediately, it simply can’t wait. I leverage this curiosity to apply valuable insights to my work, ensuring that users have the best possible experience through well-optimized and informative content.

Outside of work, I’m a lover of the arts and an avid (board) game enthusiast. I also enjoy exploring the outdoors and I am a big fan of bouldering.

Noindexing tags, categories and paginated content on a foodblog

We regularly receive questions about category pages and similar pages. It seems some of you are unsure of how to properly implement these. And sure, it’s good to think about this, as pages like category or tag pages can be thin content, if you do nothing to improve them. But you can also use these […]

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Changes to your site and the search results

12 January 2018 | 17 Comments Klara Cvitko

Whenever you make some big changes to your website, for instance to your brand name, you’re probably eager for these changes to show in the search results. Unfortunately, it can take a while for Google to crawl your site again and until then, it will show the indexed version of your site in the results, […]

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Breadcrumbs for products in multiple categories

1 September 2017 | 1 Comment Klara Cvitko

It’s important to have breadcrumbs on your website. They show users how a page fits into the structure of a site, and allow search engines to determine the site’s structure. But how do you go about implementing breadcrumbs when you have many products that fit into more than one category? In this Ask Yoast, I’ll […]

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