WPNL November 2020

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November 26, 2020

The last edition of WPNL Live this year is on the 26th of November 2020, at 15:00 Central European Time (CET). WPNL is an online meetup from WordPress Netherlands.

Our amazing CEO Marieke van de Rakt is speaking at WPNL. She will tell you all about How to make a difference in the search engines with content SEO! In this talk, she will discuss two aspects of content SEO: SEO copywriting and internal linking. She will give some concrete tips so you can get started right away!

Francesca Marano, our WordPress Core team lead, will share her experience in her talk A non-technical woman in tech: my path as a WordPress Core contributor. She will talk about what happened to her after leading WordPress 5.3. Join WPNL Live and hear her story and how it has been a whirlwind of changes in her contribution trajectory!

WPNL November 2020
Online, The Netherlands
WordPress Meetup
Who were there: