WordPress Community Day – Rome 2023

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September 29, 2023
  • Attending

WordPress Community Day will be a day full of training and support, 0 theory and 100% practice. This is a pilot project (part of the Next generation WordPress events) that the organizers would like to experience together. Our Lead developer (Plugin team) Enrico Battocchi and Support engineer Laura Sacco will attend this event live! ?

What is WordPress Community Day

It is a day entirely focused on the activities organized by the Community Contribution Team. During this day, the team plans to:

  • provide support and practical tools to people who organize local Meetups and/or WordCamps (or would like to start doing so);
  • learn how to facilitate those who would like to propose talks, panels and workshops, but do not know how to do it or what topic to deal with or simply do not feel comfortable enough;
  • discuss what can be improved on the existing documentation in Italian to support the organizers;
  • provide guidance to those who want to launch a new Meetup in their city;
  • question ourselves and make proposals to improve the WordCamp and Contributor Day format in terms of effectiveness and engagement;
  • how to promote event formats not practiced in Italy such as hackathons and do_actions.