WordCamp Philly 2020 Online

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September 26 - 27, 2020
  • Attending
  • Speaking
  • Sponsoring
  • Volunteering
  • Yoast Booth

WordCamp Philly is on the 26 of September 2020. It is the 9th edition of WordCamp Philly. WordCamp Philly will feature more than just traditional talks and slides. It is an online celebratory event with panel discussions, how-to learning opportunities, presentations, a virtual assistance Happiness Bar, interactive sponsor rooms, networking opportunities, job boards, and more.


Note: Times mentioned are US Eastern Daylight Time

Yoast booth
8:30 am - 03.30 pmVirtual booth
8:30 am – 9:00 am“Wake up with Jono”
12:30 pm – 1:30 pmSEO tips with Michiel
3:00 pm – 3:30 pmYoast Quiz
Track 1
10:15 am - 10:45 amTalk Marieke van de Rakt & Joost de Valk

More information

Marieke & Joost - Growing a Multi-Milion Dollar Business with a WordPress plugin
In this talk by Yoast's CEO, Marieke, and founder & CPO, Joost, you'll get to hear ever about what it was like to grow a multi-million dollar business with a WordPress plugin. What were the highs and lows in growing the company? How did they set up branding and marketing? And why is WordPress so immensely important to the company? These questions and more don't stay unanswered!

Virtual booth
Don't miss all the fun, we will be at our Yoast booth from 8:30 am (-4 GMT) till 03.30 pm (-4 GMT). Come say hi or ask questions! We're looking forward to seeing you!

Wake up with Jono
Jono will kick off the day! Join us at Yoast Virtual Booth for “Wake up with Jono”. He is going to talk about SEO Q&A. “Wake up with Jono” starts at 8:30 (-4 GMT) am till 9:00 am (-4 GMT).

SEO tips with Michiel
Our amazing SEO expert, Michiel, is going to be there too. He is going to give some practical tips on how to improve your website. Get your SEO tips from 12:30 pm (-4 GMT) till 1:30 pm (-4 GMT) at the Yoast Booth.

Yoast Quiz
Guess what, we will have a Yoast Quiz as well! Come and join us at the Yoast Booth at 3:00 pm (-4 GMT) till 3:30 pm (-4 GMT) for a chance to win an awesome prize.

WordCamp Philly Online recap by Fleur, Dijana, and Steven

WordCamp Philadelphia was an online WordCamp with a lot of new opportunities for both attendees and sponsors, like the Happiness Bar and the unique sponsor program. There was a diversity of substantive talks, Q&A’s and a lot of fun activities as well. For us, at Yoast, it was a lively and fun WordCamp with Joost and Marieke speaking, a waking up with Jono session, live site reviews by Michiel, Taco in the Happiness bar, and loads of colleagues in our sponsor booth. We also had a few first-timers among us who we’ve asked to share their experience with you:

First WordCamp ever

For our colleague Steven it was his first WordCamp ever: 

“I had no idea what to expect from my first WordCamp, which is why I was confused about why no-one else had brought a tent. I should have realized when I was told to come to the Yoast office which had been turned into a multimedia haven with different rooms broadcasting the different tracks, with the online booth taking centerpiece in the bar. As a newbie at Yoast, there was so much for me to take away from the presentations, particularly the deep dive into Structured Data from Brandon Schmidt. The whole conference was an invaluable insight into the thriving WordPress community and one I hope to repeat again soon.”

The Yoast booth

For Dijana it was her second time joining the Yoast booth at an online WordCamp:

“As online conferences and events are becoming a thing, more people are getting used to the idea of visiting an online booth. That’s great! Because we love setting up a Yoast booth and welcoming all of you! Of course, WordCamp Philly was no exception. On this occasion, we were there with Yoasters from all over the world who joined via Zoom. Some colleagues also participated from the live booth in the Yoast headquarters! 

The day started with a wake-up session led by Jono. His long discussions with the visitors were filled with insightful questions and exciting ideas on various SEO topics. A great way to start the day! The conversations continued throughout the whole day. We got visitors with all kinds of backgrounds asking interesting questions or just chatting about their experiences. The booth stayed dynamic the entire day. Especially in the booth set up in the Yoast office, colleagues could jump in (keeping the 1.5 meters distance rule), and chat with old friends and make new ones. We also had a spontaneous visit from Michiel, Marieke, Joost, and Tycho! We hope to see even more of you in our booth in the future!”

Fun times at WordCamp Philly 

For Fleur it was her first time attending an online WordCamp: 

“Last Saturday, I experienced my first virtual conference at the Yoast offices, and I couldn’t have imagined it would be this much fun! I started my day with a shift in our virtual Yoast booth. We chatted with the people that stopped by and were able to help them. One of the visitors said we made their week by pointing them to our new (and temporarily free) Local SEO training, yay! 

During our shift, we were able to catch some parts of Joost and Marieke’s talk about Growing a Multi-Million Dollar Business with a WordPress plugin. They presented live in another booth set up at our offices, and they did a fantastic job.

In the evening (for us, in the afternoon for the people in Philly), our team organized a Yoast pub quiz. Everyone attending WordCamp Philly could join, and by answering questions about the company, they could win awesome prizes. Someone managed to answer all the multiple-choice questions correctly! Those goodies coming your way are well-deserved.“ 

Thanks for a great event! 

Long story short, we had a great event and hope to see you again at one of the upcoming online WordCamps and, of course, next year’s (10th!) edition of WordCamp Philly! 

Zoom backgrounds by Yoast

Right-click the image, click Save Link As and download your background!
Instructions to set your zoom virtual background here.

WordCamp Philly 2020 Online
Online, United States