WordCamp Italia 2020 Online

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October 16 - 17, 2020
  • Attending
  • Organizing
  • Speaking
  • Sponsoring
  • Yoast Booth

The online Contributor Day is on Friday, the 16th of October. The online WordCamp is on Saturday, the 17th of October.


Note: Times are mentioned in Central European Summer Time zone (GMT+2)

Networking area
12:40 - 13:00Emoji Quiz
Track 2
16:00 - 16:40Talk Enrico Battocchi
The Yoast Booth
10:00 - 17:00Everyone is welcome to join our virtual booth!

Emoji Quiz

Are you a master of quizzes? Can you guess the name of a song from emojis? Join us for an interactive emoji quiz with the Yoast team! Bring your answers as well as singing talents and we’ll make sure to have well-known songs, tailored to the Italian community. And of course - Yoast’ful prizes!

Talk Enrico Battocchi

Our awesome colleague Enrico Battocchi is speaking at WordCamp Italia. He'll share a talk about An example of a Web App with WordPress and JAMstack step by step. The talk is about JAMstack, but what is it about? And what's its relationship with WordPress?

The Yoast Booth

Have any questions? Want to meet the Yoast team? Make sure to visit us at the Yoast Booth. We will be there the whole day. See you there!

WordCamp Italy recap by Luc, Dijana and Neringa

Contributor day

For our colleague Luc this was his first Contributor day outside of the Netherlands: 

“It’s one of the perks of an online conference; it becomes so much more accessible to get in touch with a global community. No surprise that we were quite well represented (and quite well distributed among the different tables):

  • Dijana - Helphub
  • Luc - Support
  • Neringa - Polyglots
  • Taco - Community
  • Omar - Core
  • Iolanda - Polyglots
  • Andrea - Accessibility
  • Enrico - Core

Usually, when we host a Contributor day in-house, I participate at the Design table. It’s where I think I can be of most assistance. But this time I decided to go for something different. I chose Support. I call myself a pretty experienced WordPress user and wanted to see if I could be of any help answering questions on the international forums. I joined the table, led by Gloria Liuni. And although the language barrier was a bit of an issue, I quickly noticed why the WordPress community is such a positive one. The amount of effort my Italian Support companions invested in making me feel welcome (and useful) was amazing. And where our common linguistic ground fell short, Google Translate was there to fill in the most important gaps.

Looking back, it’s kind of a pity that I wasn’t fully able to participate in group discussions. But that certainly wasn’t due to lack of enthusiasm and effort. In the end I feel privileged to have been part of the Italian WordPress community. Even though it was just for the short period of three hours on a Friday afternoon.”

Online conference with Yoast booth

For our colleague Dijana, this was not her first online Wordcamp:

“As with earlier WordCamps, we had a virtual booth where we welcomed the WC Italy visitors interested in Yoast. From early in the morning, it was a lively place where we had various conversations. Like always, it was a place to meet old friends and get to know new ones. It never ceases to amaze me how many diverse friends Yoast has. From starters to super-experienced SEOs and WordPress enthusiasts!

To show our appreciation for our fans and friends, we also organized an Emoji quiz before lunch. Visitors were asked to guess the name of a song, based only on the emojis we shared on the screen. It was fun but also challenging. Still, we had someone who got all the answers right and received a surprise box of Yoast goodies!

Speaking about goodies: did you know Yoast has its own online museum!? Here you'll find all kinds of goodies we've collected the past couple of years.

Italian Community at WordPress

For our colleague Neringa, this WordCamp was one of the first ones as well:

“It was a really nice experience to get to know the Italian WordPress community better. The atmosphere was jolly and everyone was very welcoming to each other. I was also very proud to see that our colleagues Laura, Francesca, Enrico, Andrea and Iolanda are so involved in the community, dedicating their time and energy to organizing such a WordCamp! No wonder they were really hyped when we were able to create a joyful and customized video for all the WordCamp Italy participants, check it out:

Thank you WordCamp Italy for welcoming us, we hope to see you soon!”

Zoom backgrounds by Yoast

Right-click the image, click Save Link As, and download your background!
Instructions to set your zoom virtual background are here.