WordCamp Denver 2020

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June 26 - 27, 2020
  • Attending
  • Sponsoring
  • Yoast Booth

WordCamp Denver is one of the local WordCamps that decided to switch to an online conference and what a success it was! On Friday the 26th and Saturday the 27th of June, we were happy to join this awesome event with our very own  sponsor booth.

WordCamp Denver online recap by Judith

The great thing about WordCamp Denver is that they’d divided their schedule into 3 tracks with the following topics; Beginner, Marketing & Content, and Power user / Developer. For us, this meant that we had the chance to talk to lots of different people:

  • people for whom it was their first WordCamp ever, 
  • people who didn’t know our products and services, but also 
  • SEO specialists and long time customers of Yoast. 

It was great to see and meet such a diverse audience! 

Another thing we loved, is that WordCamp Denver had fun breaks like the KitKat break, a yoga class, and the break dancing. Thumbs up for the organizing team and their creative way of setting up an event like this! 

Apart from the regular parallel sessions, WordCamp Denver offered a number of workshops after the talks held on Saturday. This made for an exciting and interactive event at which every attendee was able to join a workshop of their interest. 

Team Yoast at WordCamp Denver

Some people wondered why we attended the event with a sponsor booth. The answer is simple, we wanted to chat with all of you! We love talking to people about WordPress, about the community, and about Yoast. We wanted to give attendees a chance to reach out, meet us, and ask us anything. And the other way around, it was a chance for us to meet our customers and ask them questions ourselves. It was a great way to interact with our users and friends from the community.


Scavenger Hunt 

At Yoast, we are always in for some fun. So this time we wanted to play an interactive game: a Scavenger Hunt. The attendees had to search for specific items in their house and show them in our virtual booth. For example a leaf, something round, and a Yoast goodie. They had to run through their houses to collect all those things and we got to watch them do that. You can imagine it was great fun for the attendees, but also quite fun for us! We're absolutely going to do this more often!


Camp-wide give-away

WordCamp Denver also gave us the opportunity to give away something very special. In good tradition, we decided to raffle off a big box of LEGO. After people entered the raffle, they often stayed for a chat. It was great to see so many people in our booth!


We loved WordCamp Denver! The organization gave us so much room to present ourselves, meet all of you, have great conversations, and most importantly, have lots of fun. Besides that, the setup of this conference made it possible for a very diverse group of people to learn, interact, and join a WordCamp with very good vibes. So, thank you!

What’s next?

The next online WordCamp that we will attend is WordCamp Minneapolis on August 20 and 21. You can find us there, probably in a sponsor booth as well ;). We’ll update our events page each time we plan to attend an event. So if you want to know more about Yoast, have some fun, or are just looking for a nice chat with our team, come and say hi!

If you feel we, at Yoast, can contribute in any way to your WordCamp, let us know. For example, by helping you brainstorm, providing specific talks or resources, or even hosting a pub quiz. Feel free to ping me on WordPress Slack! Happy to help!

See you soon!

Judith Terbeek

WordCamp Denver 2020
Online, United States