SMX Advanced Europe 2021

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June 21 - 22, 2021
  • Speaking

SMX Advanced Europe is one of the most advanced, cutting edge conferences of the year. Look forward to two days of informative sessions with a great variety of SEO experts and PCC tactics. We're also very excited that on Monday, June 21st, Jono Alderson will be speaking about how to build (and maintain) a perfect website.

Collect your SMX Advanced ticket

Tickets for SMX Advanced Europe 2021 are now available. Make sure to collect yours timely by registering below:

Register here ▸

A ticket includes:

  • Streaming of all SMX Advanced Europe sessions on both days
  • Session recordings
  • Session presentations

Unfortunately the current situation doesn't allow us to offer a local hub live in Wijchen this year. But of course we will be there online! Live from the Yoast headquarters our CEO Marieke van de Rakt will kick things off. Followed by Jono Alderson who will be live from York on talking about how to build and maintain the perfect website.

In case you already collected a local hub ticket, this will be automatically converted to a virtual ticket and the difference will be refunded by the organization of SMX Advanced. Check out the Agenda 2021 for a detailed schedule of SMX Advanced Europe 2021.


Should you have any questions about the event or wish to receive some more information, please send an email to: We are happy to help you out!

SMX Advanced Europe 2021
Marketing Conference
Who were there: